anyone in England ?


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I know the feeling of not enough space!! I'm full at the moment and can't really fit any more in. Have got two pens, one with 6 in and one with 8 in. A coop and run with 3 6 weeks old in and a brooder shed with 11 2 week olds in. If I can sell some more of the chicks the incubator will be straight back on!! It's just not right it being packed away in the box.
I don't know if you know but, if you get eggs off ebay or through the post, pay the extra and get them sent guaranteed next day delivery. The parcel bypasses the tumbler machine at the sorting office so they have a higher hatch rate
Hi I'm new to backyard chickens & am from Essex, we only have four bantam's but their brilliant birds, they run around all day in our garden, very happy, good egg layers & have wonderful characters, love them to bits :)
There is nothing better than sitting in the garden in summer with a cup of tea, stroking a chicken on your knee. You look like a Bond villain but it is so relaxing!
Hi I'm new to backyard chickens & am from Essex, we only have four bantam's but their brilliant birds, they run around all day in our garden, very happy, good egg layers & have wonderful characters, love them to bits :)

Hi :welcome

From Yorkshire UK! Glad you could join us here sounds like they have a great time round the garden all day. I too love sitting out with the chickens in the garden they are very funny how they go about their business!!
Enjoy BYC :frow

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