anyone in England ?

Not bad at all. What breeds do you keep

Warrens, Welsummers, Light Sussex, White Silkie cockerel with 4 White, one black and one lavender, choc wyandotte, splash and buff pekin, a pair of warren welsummer cross (amazing egg laying and taste), a gorgeous (poss unique) lavender gold laced wyandotte with a (again poss unique) lavender barred rock and 2 gold dutch.
i have an experiment going of a choc wyandotte and a warren. around 7 choccy warrens have hatched so far,a few lavender gold dutch and a few more lavender barred rocks!
They look in good condition
Lifes a battle the good news is that negativity is not the best weapon
Hi I'm in tewkesbury , had my two girls about a year now and wilma got broody so I've bought some eggs for her to hatch x fingers crossed for little chicks in 3 weeks time x so exciting x
Hello all, i am in need of a new cockerel but i feel it would be best to have one from a chick as then it will be used to me going in and out of hens, as mine at the moment brought from a market attacks me!! I currently have warrens and x buff Sussex. So looking for some eggs to incubate but not decided on breed, any advice or suggestions, i have a 19 month old son to who likes interacting with the chicken so. I don't want anything nasty.
Hello from Carlisle north England, only been keeping chickens a few months I have 4 Warren layers and 19 chicks, silkie, black minorca, light sussex, cream legbars
Anyone near me?

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