Anyone in WV???

WV chicken people! Woo!
I'm in Chester, at the very top of the state. Minutes from PA and OH.

Glad you dropped in!

What kind of chickens (or other) do you keep?
Definitely a mixed bouquet!
One each of: silver spangled Hamburg, Gold Laced Wyandotte, EE, Patridge Rock, buff Chantecler, buff brahma and 2 barred rocks.
They are almost 5 weeks now. I haven't kept chickens in years.. Missed it! :)
Ducks are all lumped into one bin. Best I could say to get Pekins was, "Give me four big yellow ones." Kept going back to check for chicks, disappointed every time. Mislabeled breeds, dead chicks they didn't bother to check for... Got our 6 chicks at Southern States, and limit our TSC purchases now.
I'm loving the 4 OEGB hens and the Brahma rooster from you. The girls are sweet and beautiful, and the roo is taking great care of my comets. :)

Incubator is looking good with 8 golden sebright eggs, 4 SDW OEGB eggs, and 12 lavender orpingtons on day 7.

2-week old cochin/silkie mixes are looking great! 4 frizzle, 2 smooth - 3 black, 3 blue, both smooth are blues.

All my hens are laying well now. If anyone needs eggs to incubate, pm me!
Hey everyone! I'm in the outskirts of Morgantown. As my name says I'm a Brahma fan
. I have a small flock of fancy ones too.

What kind of incubators do you guys use? I'm in the market for one and was hoping for some input.
Really depends on your goals and resources. I currently use a Brinsea Octagon 20 Advance with the humidity pump, but they are pretty expensive new (found mine on CL, used one time). I started out with a cheap-ish Chinese knockoff version of the Janoel-48 which did fine, until the heater went out. It held lots of eggs! The Brinsea holds plenty for me, as I mostly hatch bantams. I hatch fairly often and want one that doesn't need babysitting, as I work 8+ hours a day through the week. Brinsea, set it and forget it! lol
My advice would be to pick a few that you like, in your price range, that hold as many eggs as you think you'd want to do, then ask particulars. Also consider whether you need a turner, or whether you can hand turn yourself. Often the turners are sold separately.
I'm probably going to do a few hatches a year, and while I'd like one that isn't too expensive, a little higher price is okay if it's a good investment. I have school and work so less maintenance is helpful. I've been looking at the Little Giant, one of the Pro Series ones, and a hovabator.

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