Anyone Interested in a 2017/18 Emu Hatch Along?

Been following this thread from day one. beginning to get nervous here as time progresses for our two little ones. At 31 or 32 days now, would have to look at notes 'cus I cant remember anything anymore. temps and humidity has been good and constant and is constantly double verified by independent devices. just keeping on keeping on!
That is great emu to is braking out now. So excited then 4 and l5 will be coming right after that and then b5 but 6 and 7 have a little ways to go.
Well I won’t try to fool you, I’m just a little bit apprehensive here. I’ve just had a poor hatch rate on some quail for my daughter. 5 out of 18. I know it’s not the same, or even nearly the same but, it’ll still shake up your thinking a bit. It’s my first time with anything this large or costly. Raised birds most of my adult life just not really big ones!!
Well I won’t try to fool you, I’m just a little bit apprehensive here. I’ve just had a poor hatch rate on some quail for my daughter. 5 out of 18. I know it’s not the same, or even nearly the same but, it’ll still shake up your thinking a bit. It’s my first time with anything this large or costly. Raised birds most of my adult life just not really big ones!!
I can help you raise your hatch rate with really anything give me a call. 757-803-4058
Well my emu hatch was a no go this year. :( I found chicks though. Just disappointed the eggs didn't hatch after all that hand turning!
Well day 36, humidity is really UP! More than I’ve been at to this point. It’s been steady until the rain began. Been raining 3 days pretty much straight. So up it went. To 47% from 24ish%. Has no added water in the incubator right now and I’ve removed the two little vent plugs that this box has to help aliviate excess moisture. So hoping I get it under control so my weight loss stays on track.

As a side note, the two eggs are really wiggling when whistled to now. Oh how exciting!!!
Welcome ShaneUK and best of luck! Very exciting! Please post your progress, we would all love to hear. Hi Shelby, I ended buying a bunch of 3 week old chicks and all is well. I'm emu back on track lol. And best of luck as well West ky tim, I really wish I could have experienced what you all are with wiggling eggs lol. So exciting!!

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