Anyone know about deathlayer chicks?

We have 8 golden deathlayer chicks just hatched in incubator.
7 of them are a brownish red color and one is very blonde.
Does the difference in color indicate sex?

Also does anyone have any advice on raising this breed.
Ive heard they are harder to raise?
Do you know what color the parents were? There's a color called lemon deathlayers, try looking into them and if they look similar. I'm not super experienced, I've only had chickens a little over a year, but I have two silver deathlayers and they're wonderful. I didn't find them any harder to raise but they are in my experience more skittish/standoffish than some of my other breeds. They eat out of my hand sometimes but they aren't cuddly. In my opinion they act similar to gamebirds
Do you have an update on your chicks? We just hatched 6 gold deathlayer eggs, 3 gold and 3 lighter colored ones. they are about 5 weeks old now, not white so I'm thinking lemon. They are difficult to sex and I'm wondering if the color difference can be used to determine anything.


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They confuse me they look exactly like fayoumis but they aren’t.
I had never heard of fayoumis until you said this and I went down the rabbit hole trying to figure out if they're related or not but from everything I've found they aren't?? And it trips me out 😂. They look so similar aside from maybe body type. But I did read that some people have bred fayoumis into deathlayer bloodlines to increase diversity but it seemed controversial.
I had never heard of fayoumis until you said this and I went down the rabbit hole trying to figure out if they're related or not but from everything I've found they aren't?? And it trips me out 😂. They look so similar aside from maybe body type. But I did read that some people have bred fayoumis into deathlayer bloodlines to increase diversity but it seemed controversial.
I don't get it. Maybe they lay so many eggs that you die from the sheer amount?
I don't get it. Maybe they lay so many eggs that you die from the sheer amount?
I've heard different things, I think it's more for ✨️razzle dazzle✨️ than anything personally 😂. The article above has the main things I've seen, deathlayer either meaning they lay later in life than average breed or it's the literal translation when normally it'd be referred to as daylayer.
My understanding was that they are such high-production birds that they literally lay themselves to death. They lay so many eggs that they die young, in other words. But I don't remember now where I read that, sorry.

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