Anyone know anything about RED ROCKS? A cross with a Barred Rock & RR


10 Years
Feb 4, 2009
Hi I am Bill & am new to raising chickens.
And have a few other types. And was curious IF anyone knows anything about crossbred Rhode Island Red and Barred Rocks? And what to expect from that cross? I know the 4 Rhode Island Red pullets I have blow away all my other birds in this cold weather. 7 eggs since yesterday morning from 4 birds.
thank you
first off,

second, i think the first generation (F1) will be barred but I don't know much more than that!
Thank you for the reply jake
I have a few of the Easter egger Americaunas, And one true showline Roo from a lady here in Indiana. I have never shown. I have two gorgeous Black Orp pullets. They look like little turkeys their so fluffed out. And 3 Brahmas, a few Marans, a few jersey Giant, & the 4 Rhode pullets with 5 Barred pulls and 2 Barred Roos, I am hatching the Marans and Barred and soon to be cross. I just don't want anymore Roos. These Rhodes layed 7 eggs in 36 hours. It is hard to want to get rid of any type of bird that can do that in SUB ZERO TEMPS. I only have standard size birds. A friend of mine has a few True rumpless tufted Americaunas. Their bantams. Here in Indy I think bantams might have issues with our harsh weather changes. My big birds seem to thrive in any condition.
Nice to meet you
take care
Beautiful bird Speckledhen. My Roo is the Barred Rock. All the RIR's I have, for now, are pullets. I am starting to love them for their persistant laying.
That is what I had read too. I heard this cross will produce a sex link chick. Is that true? IF so how do you tell which is what?
thank you for the reply
In order for you to have sex links, you have to have a RIR roo over barred hens. Im not exactly sure what the babies look like, I think the pullets are black, I dont know what color the roos would be. If you breed a barred roo over RIR hens, they won't be sex linked, all the chicks will have some form of barring.

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