Anyone know of any endangered species eggs I could buy or acquire in the spring? Any type of bird


In the Brooder
Oct 28, 2018
I’d love to help conserve a species in this way. I’d be willing to hatch and release, or keep the birds- whichever is the best for the bird. I’m in Ohio so if I need to release the bird I’d it’s natural habitat to be within a few hours range driving.
I’d love to help conserve a species in this way. I’d be willing to hatch and release, or keep the birds- whichever is the best for the bird. I’m in Ohio so if I need to release the bird I’d it’s natural habitat to be within a few hours range driving.
You need to check your state's game & fish laws if you plan on releasing any birds. Most if not all states take a dim view of people (no matter how well intentioned) who take it upon themselves to release animals or birds into the wild. Other than domestic fowl, a permit is required to even have possession of game birds. Other kinds of birds such as raptors, song birds, etc. are covered by Federal laws and regulations as well as the Migratory Bird Act.

Do your research first. A good starting place is to call your local game warden or DNR agent.
Your government most likely already has conservation plans for any endangered species and most likely will not involve random citizens to help breed and release animals. There is a lot of work that goes into releasing and monitoring game bird populations and there is usually no profit when it comes to endangered species. There is also a lot of legal issues, permits, and papers that are involved with raising any protected birds in the US. Most endangered species are protected and not available to the public. You might be able to volunteer in a conservation project that your state already has in place if you are really determined to help out an endangered species.
If you want to help a breed of chicken or fowl, that's admirable. I would suggest going through the Livestock Conservancy, they keep lists of livestock that needs some support.

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