Anyone know the breed???

sorry for the VERY late reply yall... i forgot this website existed haha.. so she turned out to lay very pretty light blue eggs, has a pea comb, is all white with some brownish feathers on her chest (very little concentration however,) and yellow feet. Still unsure of her breed haha
sorry for the VERY late reply yall... i forgot this website existed haha.. so she turned out to lay very pretty light blue eggs, has a pea comb, is all white with some brownish feathers on her chest (very little concentration however,) and yellow feet. Still unsure of her breed haha

I will still go with Prairie Bluebell for your pretty bird.

Congratulations on getting pretty eggs from her.
She is a pullet, and is very rude and hates being picked up/pet.
That is normal for a chicken. They are prey animals, so they are flighty in nature and it is understandable. However, holding them from day one is a great way to make them learn that grabbing is not harming. Some breeds are friendlier than others.

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