Anyone like my coop? Think repairs are needed?

It's a cute coop. Looks like it might be a bit difficult to clean, unless there's a "people door" that I'm not seeing in the photos, and I would most definitely switch out the chicken wire for hardware cloth.
Your coop is beautifull and looks so snug. O how I envy you. I have been thinking my brains out how to build a coop for my 11 chickens. They sleep in a tree. My husband recons that it would be difficult to to change them to sleep in a coop. We have 2 roosters as well. Luckily we don't have racoons in South Africa. I want to ask you do you lock the little door in the evenings?
I think it's a good looking coop but other than what others said I would consider adding a gable vent.
IMO you can't have too much ventilation.
Seeing that you grow fruittrees, I would like some advice on my fig tree. How can i keep the birds from eating the figs before they are even bigger than a grape?

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