Covered Chicken feeder station


12 Years
May 2, 2012
Does anyone have a covered chicken feeder station? I’m planning on making some sort of roofed housing for my chickens feed. Sort of like a little gazebo.
I have a couple but nothing fancy. One is a dog shade/rain tent. The other is a recycled portion of my old mini run with greenhouse panels on top and the side to keep out some rain, the thing the Welsummer is eating under:

Thanks for the responses. I wasn’t sure how to do the roof. I think I was also over engineering it. Debbie, thanks for sharing those posts. I could see how the roof was made.

Rosemarythyme, are there any troubles with blocking chickens from the food with only one open side? Your playset looks interesting too.
I built one out of a repurposed Ikea raised kid's bed frame and a couple of onduline sheets. The first version was long, then when the feet rotted (it was only indoor grade pine after all) I cut them off and the second version is higher, but both work well.

The big plank running across the crossbeams at the bottom was just placed there as necessary when it's very windy here, to ensure it didn't catch the wind and take off!
rebuilt feeding station.JPG

The strapping is to hold the end of the other onduline sheet in place as there's not much wood to fix to there. The roofing sheets will bend if you're gentle, so I gave the apex a double thickness rather than cut the sheets shorter.
Political season is coming and those spiffy little coreplast signs work great for feeder covers. A bit of tape, pin it down with some long nails or metal stakes, and Bob's your uncle.

Wait till two days after the primary and go after the loser's signs. Before the election stealing signs is a crime, the day after they are trash if the loser doesn't pick them up.

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