Anyone name your chicks yet?

Waiting to name my Wyendotts since we don't know sex. However our 2 tiny black frizzles are named Elf & Pixie. One Sizzle is being called
Sprite and another is being called Song Bird because he/she "sings" all the time. Reserve names in waiting are: Lily, Rose, Daisy, Iris, Lotus, Blossom,
Toya (peach blossom in Japanese). Then for those who turn out to be a boy: Torn & Brier. We wanted to go with the flower theme but its
hard finding flowers that sound male. We have 14 chicks so we need lots of names.
My chicks don't come for another month, but I already know what I want to name them

Buff Orpington- Goldilocks

Blue Cochin- Puffer

Salmon Faverolles- Ms.Owl

White Silkie- Eugenia

Black Silkie- Emu

I can't wait for them to come! Also, they are all going to be girls.
My chicks don't come for another month, but I already know what I want to name them

Buff Orpington- Goldilocks

Blue Cochin- Puffer

Salmon Faverolles- Ms.Owl

White Silkie- Eugenia

Black Silkie- Emu

I can't wait for them to come! Also, they are all going to be girls.
Awesome! We have a chick name in common:D
I have! I couldn't wait.

Part Frizzle - Maddie

Mystery Silkie - Jubie

Mystery Australorp - Squirrel

Blue Ameraucana - Blue

Blue Splash Ameraucana - Splash

Buff Orpington that can jump on the top of the brooder - Mable

2 smaller BO's - Ethel and June

3 Barred Rocks - probably old farm names
We have four girls,
Ameraucana: Sharona,
Rhode Island Red:Amy Pond (my 7yo is a huge Doctor Who fan),
Barred Rock: Nugget,
Buff Orpington: Jack Princess Sparkle (4yo's contribution).

They're all lovely 3 weekers!!
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We're letting the names just come on their own time. We had a "Pancake" the day we picked them up (Black LORP, she was crying the whole way home, and we had been talking names that make us think of eggs, so that one happened and stuck), a Matilda as of a couple of days ago (very yellow faced Black LORP), and as of yesterday our tiny flockleader was named Maleficent (SLW who acts like a few choice words I won't repeat on here :D).

We were planning on holding off until they were older, as we're going to be processing half the flock, but like the hubby just said: Their names will develop as their personalities do.
My red pullets are three weeks old and I can't tell them apart yet. But while in the store I looked over in the next tank and two ducks were looking at me, one black and one yellow that really needed a home. The yellow one has out grown the whole group by three fold so it is L.A. for Lance Armstrong and the black one is Reno, since all good side kicks should be called "Reno". By the way this is my first post, never had chickens or ducks before. What breed will the red pullets be? Thanks and great website!

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