Anyone order from Welp Hatchery?

I have use Welp several times. They always ship on the date that was confirmed in the original email to me. I have been very happy with them and was a long distance from them....New Mexico to Florida!

Having been to a number of different Hatcheries and seeing how busy they are during hatching season, I can understand not sending out more emails.
I order most of my chicks from them. I got my first order last week of 25 straight run Barred Rocks. When they came in to my post office...i am sure noone else around where i am gets chicks, they were so loud in the box chirping away that they put them over the pa so everyone in the post office could hear them
. All were healthy and happy they sent me one extra, however 2 did die, but i always expect a 10% post hatch loss. I called them up and they credited me for the 2 birds that died. When i called them i placed an order for another 50 Barred Rock pullets, and 25 Cornish X which is coming this friday. We are thinking of starting a meat operation here, and this hatchery was the only one that would help me as far as getting a good price for the 3000+ chicks a week that we would need. So far so good.
I am really happy with welp
I ordered 20 cornish X and 5 Sumatras and I got
20cornish X, 10 Sumatras and 20 extra chicks (peanuts).

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