Anyone? please help (ulcers)


7 Years
Jun 21, 2012
CA, 93250
Anyone knows how to cure this? Its not little pain its awful pain that doesn't let me sleep I have a 5 month and its just killing me. Its just too painful.
Any medicine home remedies? Anything please I need to try something.
Where is the ulcer? I get them in my mouth, especially if I accidently bite the inside of my mouth. I use warm sea salt water to rinse the ulcer out a few times a day. Never had one last more then a few weeks.
Are you sure it's an ulcer? Could be acid reflux. You should really see a doctor, if you haven't already. If it is an ulcer, antibiotics (for the h. pilori bacteria) and a low acid diet are usually recommended.
I take a pill every day (prilosec) and sometimes maloox mylanta
But I still get it. I been to the doctors that's what they prescribed.
I don't drink alcohol coffee and I'm trying to cut on acids.
So anyone that has this and cured them self please let me know.
I haven't had to deal with ulcers, but manuka honey is supposed to be great for that. We use it for topical wound healing and it works great. You can get it on Amazon, and if nothing else, it is yummy.

I hope you can find some relief soon.
That's awful to be in pain like that. Severe pain like that doesn't sound right. I don't know what all tests your doctor has done previously, but can you go to an emergency room to be checked out? I hope you get relief soon!
If you are not getting relief, methinks you ought to see another doctor. Are you sure it is ulcers? Could it be gallbladder trouble instead?

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