Anyone raising White Doves?

I was at a show and someone had a sign that said Doves for Sale and they had some PIGEON there. I said, Um, that's not a dove, that's a white pigeon, and they were like, No one knows the difference, so what if it's a pigeon?

I have raised White Doves 3 times in the past, I KNOW the difference
The first set came from someone's wedding. They let them go, and they were so tame they didn't fly away. So we crawled in the trees and took them home.

The second set was their babies. Nothing is uglier than a baby dove, but they are so sweet!

The last one I had I received after my sister in law passed away. She had it for 7 years and it was so tame. It was killed last summer when my toddler and puppy got into her cage (the front was locked with a padlock, but they reached through the water dish). I want some more to raise, I miss their coos every morning

Does anyone have any, or know where I can get some?
most of the doves you see on tv or weddings are white pigeons D0ves as I have known them do ot survive int the outdoors I have many white pigeons that are being displaced need good homes like to place in groups of 20
most of the doves you see on tv or weddings are white pigeons D0ves as I have known them do ot survive int the outdoors I have many white pigeons that are being displaced need good homes like to place in groups of 20
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WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and :welcome

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