Anyone ready to ring in the new year...and lose weight/get fit?

No not yet Kassaundra. We are a bit busy at the moment. It would seem all the hospital stuff is upon us at once. I have been running to Drs and all sorts. Had an epilepsy review yeaterday with Danny his meds have been doubled because the seizures are not controled
. Bens are fine and he seems to be coping with his seizures so not an issue for him at least. Tomorrow I am taking DH for his long waited heart test. So that will doubtless be a day and a half. Then reviews for Dans care at his day centre and after that Bens reviews for his care needs and then we have Dans surgery on his mouth to fix his teeth he knocked the ends off in a night seizure a few weeks back. THat will take a while for him to recover from. So I don;t quite know which way is up right now.

The good thing is that little jess is having her first Birthday party on 20th August. Her Birthday is 18th but the party is on the Saterday so everyone can come. We have 20 adults!! Only 5 kids so I have been told???? Its being held here so we are also running round sorting the house and gardens for the guests. DH is bakeing a princess castle cake? We will see what it looks like when its done - I will try to post pics!
Here is the castel cake folks!

I guess we are practically in September then and everyone is thinking of autumn. We are going away in October. It is a while away yet but gives us chance to sort stuff here and get ourselves organised. The good thing is its all booked and paid for so no worries there.
Your right in that its a needed break for us. We are trying to get away from here at least every 6 months for sanity sake. We simply cannot sleep here as Danny is up every night and needs changed etc every night were hoping the meds will help a bit but he has always been up in the nights so we basically try to get away fro this house. Sadly some times were got him looked after and just run away to a hotel overnight! We are the ones "running away from home now" Anyhow the holiday is on the horizon and I am looking foward to that. Though I guess it wasn;t that long ago we went to Spain. DH was so ill there though it wasnt as good a break as we would have liked.

Anyhow that is about that I guess.

Renie's Peeps - I know excess skin isn;t the best looking but honestly it is far healthier to be thinner than carry a lot of weight. Your body is going to be different there isn;t anything you can do to change over stretched skin except surgery to remove it. Please don;t give up though. You are thinking of what is under your skin like your heart!!!! Keep healthy that is more important and being able to get out and enjoy yourself again and doing things you wouldn;t have done when you were carrying all that weight. Keep thinking positive and hang in there !!!!!!!! -

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I am joining back in. I'd like to say i'm just dedicated and eating better but im not .... i recently started a weightloss plan that a local dr has... i've lost 11 lbs this week!
Hey folks!

I'm going to join ya'll in some healthy changes.

I have quite a bit of a chest cold, so once my round of antibiotics are through, I'll start back up with moving and shaking my body.
Tomorrow, I'll start with eating better. My goal is to lose 10 lbs within the next month. My dog has actually gained weight recently, too! Little does he know he'll be joining me....
Awesome guys, welcome aboard. It's been a little slow lately. Several on here have lost quite a bit of weight and are moving thier bodies more and making healthier choices.
Hi guys, sorry to not be around.
I got very sick in July, and most of the month just crawled by before I knew what was going on.

I haven't focused on weight loss, and I missed some Yoga classes... so I'm just getting back into the groove slowly. I haven't gained any weight, and I haven't lost any either. But teetering on 147 for awhile. While sick though, I had to force myself to eat because I just didn't feel hungry, only tired.

What could be so bad I'd been sick for a month...? Let's just say I HATE ticks!!!!

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever was sicker then I've EVER been!!! ARGH
I have a friend who also got tick fever this year, knocked her on her butt for over a month too. She got hers right after oral surgery so she got a double whammy! Glad you are feeling better.
I'm glad I'm feeling better too! Worse then the tick problem, I apparently had mono at the same time so it made it worse. My joints were killing me!!!! ...and trying yoga at home, just HURT.
sorry you were double whammyed. Hopefully you are better and ready for fall canning.
I caught an intestinal bug that made the food allergies flair up. so I stopped the exercising too for a bit.
I need to get back on it as soon as I catch up on my sleep. no sleep, no food...

no caffeine...
but no weight gain
I made a deal to try and lose the weight starting with my birthday in early August so I can be in shape by New Years day, and not have to make tht resolution. It would be nice to already BE there! I bought an elliptical and am fairly consistent in using it. Nice not to have to go to the gym anymore. I think 10 to 15 lbs should be my goal here.

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