Anyone set eggs this weekend?

Marie, I did the search and found out that she has Salmon Favarolles!!!! Ooh, I think that may be my next hatch!!! That and I want to find some Speckled Sussex!!!

Thanks for the info. . . '

I saw peeps and they were moving!!!! My hubby had a super bright flashlight (something to do with his telescope stuff), and made a tube around the top for me with his hand while I looked at a couple of eggs. He thinks I'm nuts, but what a sweety to stand in the dark closet holding a flashlight for me while I looked at eggs... it's not his thing at all...

Anyway, I did see a couple of moving chicks before I got really nervous and stopped looking. I don't know what I'd do if I dropped one. I'm just happy to know there are some in there! YAY!

-- Susan
How exciting!!! I've never seen movement, but maybe with my new candler setup I will!! I can certainly tell where the embryos are.

What does the movement look like?

With mine, the part I can really see moving is what I belive to be the eye. It's a really dark spot on the embryo. It takes some focus to be able to see at this point, but if I let the egg rest really still (and the kid isn't sleeping in there) then I can see that dark spot move.
Just about another hour and it should be dark enough for me to candle!!!!
I candled again last night and this time I used a smaller bulb. I tried a 60, but it wasn't bright enough. Then I tried a 75 and it worked fine - not quite like the 100, but I don't want to burn the house down or fry the eggs!!!

I think I saw movement???? I'm going to try again tonight. Sooooooo exciting!!!

How's it going with everybody?

Hi Everyone,

Just watching the eggs turn. Today was the local poultry breeders swap meet/show, so hubby and I went down and checked it out. I was very good - I didn't bring anything home (if even half of my eggs hatch, I'm up to my ears in birds). There were so many cute baby animals there - not only chicks, but rabbits, puppies, goats and so on. Some of the poultry in the show were huge - I had no idea that they even made chickens that big! It was fun to check out the real, live examples of what is hopefully going to hatch in a couple of weeks.

Not much else new... just waiting. Have a great weekend!

-- Susan
What a frustrating day!!! I have had trouble with my incubator temp all day!! I got up to 103 point somethingorother at one point. I'm praying it didn't kill the embryos - they have been developing nicely.

I think if I candle in a few days I should be able to tell if the circulatory systems are deteriorating. Anyone have any thoughts on this?


I'm too much of a newbie to have many thoughts to share about this, but one thing I do remember is that a temperature swing is only really dangerous if it's maintained for a prolonged time, so hopefully your high swing wasn't too hot for too long.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Temperature swings are sure nerve wracking.

-- Susan
I saw movement!!!!!! My daughter and I candled last night and there were 2 eggs where we could see definite embryo movement!!!! Apparently the temp spike we had didn't kill all of them. We're keeping our fingers crossed that at least most of them are ok. We have mostly very dark brown and blue eggs, so there are only a few we can candle and actually see any detail.

How are everyone's eggs doing??

I am on day 15 and I am down to 8 egg (from 15) But all have large air cells on the right end and all are moving and growing. Temps are stable and humidity at about 57%. I kept 50% last hatch and they were shrink wrapped in the membrane. So Iam going a bit higher early on and see if it helps. Wont be long before I have to up it again to about 80%. I hope they continue to do well. I have two cuckoo silkies, 3 salmon faverolles, 1 that just says frizzle, guessing a silkie frizzle?? and the other says sizzle, so hopefully that one will be correct. I also have one blue silkie/sizzle. I hope they all make it. My OEGB bantam hatched 4 of her 8 eggs. The rest she left in the nest so I candled them and none were any good. Varying degrees of development but all dead and rotten. Of the 4 chicks, one had fallen out of the nest box. I had it too high in the first place and tried to move her and the eggs when I found that out but she was not having it, so I put her back and tried to watch. Well, those critters are very active. I think she must have had them a day or so before I knew. Anyway it died last night. She and the roo kept walking on it and it could not follow her and the others so they just left it. I took it in and tried to help it but it was too weak. Anyway, good luck on your hatches! I will let you know what happens.


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