Anyone setting eggs 1/19/11?

My Quail eggs should be arriving today!

I also have 17 of my own Quail eggs to hatch and 6 eggs from my own chickens. 1Serama egg, 2 Sumatra eggs, and 3 Seabright cross eggs(Peepers's descendants. Peepers was my very first hen) The Peepers eggs will be my 4th generation of Peepers babies.
Can I join ???

I put 12 eggs under a hen last night about 9 PM. She has been wanting to stay on the nest for the last several days, so I moved her to a hatching pen on the 18th and then gave her a 12 pack last night of CCM Roo and Bared Rock Hens. So I hope she takes to them OK. She seemed to be content when I left the hen house last night.

So I guess I am with you on the 18th. Sort of, at least on this bunch I do not have to keep as close a check on them as the ones I have in the Inky that are due the 27th or 28th. Mine inky eggs always seem to be a day or too late.
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I set a mutt egg. It is a red sex link with either a bantam cochin roo or a silkie roo. I am betting on the cochin as I have seen him mounting the RSL's but I have seen the silkie try. I only had one and decided to throw it in and see if it was fertile. I normally eat or sell the eggs from the RSL's but I only had one from the 18 and no one laid any on the 19 and didn't feel like eating it so I threw it in last night!
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Good luck. I am waiting on some light sussex eggs that were shipped on Tuesday this week and they are not here yet...suposed to be windchill tonight of 30 below zero...hope my eggs are not frozen , hope they get here tomorrow safely.

Stay warm!
Any one care if I jump on the hatching band wagon?? My friend and I had 40 in the bator....candled them today (15 days!) We had to pitch 6...5 she bought and one from my flock. I noticed that the 5 Rumpless Aracauna eggs where really really porous. But when we broke them they did not show any sign of being fertilized. Is it normal for eggs to be like this??
We are so excited...chicks due the 26th!!!! Frizzles, Silkies, Polish mix, and 7 Wellsummer/EE + EEs, Anacona, Black Star and a mutt. Good luck everyone!!

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