Anyone setting eggs tomorrow (13th March, EDD Apr 3rd)

I think I forgot to mention, I have 15 Black orps in the incubator. I set them on the 5th 6am. I'll be candling tomorrow night 3/15 day 10.
I got these through an ebay auction from a gal in florida.

I am using a Hovabator 1588 to incubate. Depending on when my hens decide it's now warm enough and is ACTUALLY spring and start laying again depends if I hatch in it or not. I tend to do multiple hatches so I have an LG forced air waiting in the wings for hatching.

I like the hovabator it stays at a consistant 100.0 and my humidity had been around 40%. I have them in my basement right now. I live in a house built in the 1800's so the basement is stone foundation and cement floor. I do have a small space heater down ther to help keep the pipes above freezing. other than that, I am not doing anything out of the ordinary to manage the hatch. I check the incubator once a day or so to make sure it's on and things are good.

When I was newer at hatching I would panic all the time. I was constantly fooling with the incubator and eggs. Now I just set it and forget it - as the infomercial saying goes. What will happen, will happen.
I have a wood stove too. I find that my temperature increases at night (while the house is heating up from the stove), but is at the perfect temp in the morning. It helps if I close the door in the room that the incubator is in. Last night when I went to bed it was 102.4. (a bit high but I did not adjust it) I closed the door to that room and this morning it is 101.3. (perfect) I have a still air incubator, so the temp is different for you if you have a fan in yours.

Definitely don't have your incubator in the same room as the stove. And keep it away from drafts and direct sunlight too.
We're due the same day.

My first hatch, I fooled with the incubator a lot. I was so worried about doing it right. Now I monitor the temps, but I'm not stressed about it. Mother nature is not perfect either. I have 7 shipped eggs from gumpsgirl (BBS Orps) in there that were shipped from VA to CA. All 7 are developing!!!
The stove is in the living room, incubator is on the far side of the kitchen (away from oven etc) but the house is open plan so there is no door between living room and kitchen. I want it downstairs so I can keep an eye on it and as I dont want my 2 year old getting curious enough to open/poke/fiddle or stand on it!

I have bitten the bullet and ordered a brinsea 20 eco, but guess it will take a week to arrive....Oh the stress until then! Plus I have 34 eggs so even if I fill the new brinsea to capacity when it does arrive I will have to keep the hovabator running until the end, but am hoping at least the most precious eggs will have stable temps for the second half and I'll do my best to keep things steady in the hovabator until then.

I do keep reminding myself the hen gets off the nest and wanders about, and some eggs probably get a bit chillier at the edge of the nest before they are rotated in etc, and that just because the thermometer is all over the place the eggs are probably more stable inside and the changes would be buffered etc. Anyway,

(BTW, I was just as stressy as this when I was pregnant with my daughter
Candled tonight - day 10 - of my 15 eggs, I have 7 developing well, 1 iffy, 3 blood rings and 5 clear. Not bad since I actually paid for 10 eggs the 5 clears I will count as my "extras"!
I candled a few eggs last night.

Couldn't see anything much (only day 4) but one of the eggs had a crack so I thought I'd better remove it rather than have it explode later.
I put it aside for ten minutes and then thought I might take a peek inside to see if anything was going on in there as I've had problems keeping the temperatures stable and am worried about getting nothing out of the eggs in the end.

So I broke in at the air cell and I saw the spider of veins and a little beating heart.

I feel so guilty.
But with a crack it would've gone bad, right?

Did I do the wrong thing?

On the bright side I feel more confident that there may be something happening in the some of the others, and I haven't accidentally overcooked them (yet!).

Still feel bad about the little embryo though

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