Anyone setup something like this..........

Thanks for posting this link. This is a great idea and one that I had never considered. I believe it could be a great model for sustainable production of many of the products to sustain a family. We need more ideas like this in the times we seem to be heading. I am not sure how to implement this in my own farm, but I will sure be thinking about it and planning.

I love this idea! Our property was once home to horses, sheep and goats as well as chickens. My own chickens now live in the old goat and chicken enclosures that the previous owners (my in-laws) used. I don't let my girls free range due to predators (my own "labradork" included). On the opposite side of their coop/henhouse is one of the old horse areas.

I'm thinking that soil is probably fairly rich, since that's the only area of our 6 acres that actually grows grass. One of the biggest problems I may have would be with run-off from the rain, which we don't get that much of. My brother gave us a fair length of six foot chain-link (and posts) from his place that I could easily put up for fencing.

I'm SOOOOO glad you shared this with us! My brain has been in hybernation, but you just woke it up for me! Thank you!!!!!

BTW, 'labradork' is not my word. Can't think of who I heard it from (forgive me), but it's so befitting of my wonderful Rosie.

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