Anyone wanna do a Spring Pheasant or Chukar Hatch along ?

sorry been gone a while but if I still count last weekends hatch came out with

15 ringnecks

3 melanistics

2 red golden

5 reeves

I'll try to get this weekends numbers in a little sooner.

go pheasants
Here's my new arrivals.These are grey peacock pheasant chicks hatched out on the 13th.I have lewis silvers,amherst,swinhoe and black ringnecks due the 16th and temminick tragopans and impeyans on the 19th.
In N.H.,Tony.
What do you mean turn some lose?I don't think anyone would trun these birds lose into the wild.Or are you talking about someone having some to sell?I have 2 hatched out so far and I have 2 in the bator and 1 or 2 under the hen,who just started setting.So hopefully I will have some this year.Here's a pic of dad.
In N.H.,Tony.
Pretty sure he meant let them go for sale,
. I just put 14 Ringnecks in lockdown this afternoon. Wish me luck on this one... I want to hatch more than 8 lmao. Still figuring out the whole hatching pheasants thing, however I have TONS of eggs under some of my hens and once those hatch out I will be done with pheasant hatching for now. I have some turkey eggs coming in this week which were a trade for some pheasant eggs, if anyone wants to trade I need some melanistic eggs but all I have is Georgia Giant Bobs and Ringnecks.
turn some loose for sale... been able to find the breeders, just no one with birds on hand to sell.. I've put in some orders for fall birds, but that don't mean I'm not looking for more

temminick tragopans is what I'm having trouble getting as some breeders in my area has 3-4 year old pairs still not laying
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Try Paul Kao in Ca.
In N.H.,Tony.
turn some loose for sale... been able to find the breeders, just no one with birds on hand to sell.. I've put in some orders for fall birds, but that don't mean I'm not looking for more

temminick tragopans is what I'm having trouble getting as some breeders in my area has 3-4 year old pairs still not laying
Can't count them yet but the hubby picked up some more pheasant eggs at auction yesterday. We got 2 dozen all together. There are red golden, yellow golden and snowy eggs. I hope this hatch is as good as my last (9/12) or better.

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