Anyone want to get into shape this summer?

I'm in. I need to lose some weight. When do we start? Tomorrow, I hope because today is a bust!
Great! It sound like you've got some takers here Missouri Chick! I would like to give out the first bit of advice, if I may.

1. You don't have to give up all the good things in life. I love food and do much better if I know that I'm not depriving myself from anything. If you cut what you eat in half, you would be amazed at what that will do for you! Yes! That means no more seconds at the dinner table, so you better enjoy it the first time around.

2. EXERCISE! EXERCISE! EXERCISE! If you can't find a few minutes to spare in a day, make sure you do a fast pace walk through the grocery store and everywhere you go. Don't take the closest parking spot you can find. Take the one out in the middle of nowhere, then WALK FAST! I also find it easier to start my day with a 15 minute exercise routine rather than trying to fit it in during a busy day or in the evening when I'm exhausted.

3. Losing weight is not about jumping onto the fad diet train. That NEVER works! Monitor the amount of food you eat, drink lots of water, and EXERCISE! After awhile, those foods that are bad for you just don't look good anymore for some reason.
I think it has something to do with you seeing yourself loose weight and you gain encouragement from that alone!
Does participation hinge on weight loss? Could one be involved if that wasn't their goal?

I have some health issues, and sometimes I can't exercise as I need to for health, and toning. I am determined to be a more toned me, with improved cardiovascular, by Sept., but with my problems, sometimes I can't do what I want to, and always it's painful or worse.

Would that count? My dh is very supportive, but not really motivated, so I wouldn't mind being around people who are. So we feed off one works for me! lol!
I need to lose weight too. I have been trying for sometime now. It is very hard because I work in a school kitchen. I am hoping the with school ending in 19 days that will help. Also with the rising gas prices I have told my children that we will walk to the place we swim at. That will be a 3 mile walk. That is both ways. So I am hoping with that change and the fact that we go five days a week that it will help the weight. lost
Tutter, good for you and stay with us, this should be about health, not just weight loss.

Gumpsgirl, I couldn't agree more. GREAT advise.
Ever since bloomsday I have wanted to gain muscle. For bloomsday(largest foot race in the US) I averaged about 16 minutes per mile. I want to be able to do it in 1 1/2 hours, not 2. I have been doing a 2 mile loop almost every day, it takes me about 25 minutes. When I ride my bike I do a 13 mile loop and it takes me about 30-40 minutes.
I am game!

I had a heart attack the beginning of Feb during my swim at the local Y. Scared the daylights out of me since I was 37 at the time. I was exercising/swimming to loose weight and get in shape. But that killed the swimming for me. Doctor has ok'd walking though.

I had already changed our diet. Wheat bread, more salads, less takeout and chocolate( THAT kills me!)
So I have been walking 3 miles a day. 6 days a week. On my treadmill. For 3 months as of June 3rd.
Well I had to take a week and half off when I got the flu and couldnt breath.
Plus I rough board my horse and have to drag the manure bucket across a paddock and then lift and dump it into the manure trailer. Add grooming a 16h horse when you are only 5 something and the arms get a work out as well. Oh and then there is the kid, the dog and the working in the yard and house(remodeling and setting up for chickens)

I have already lost 28lbs since the beginning of Feb. One and a half pant sizes. I had to give away half my ward robe and dress clothes from last summer.

What has helped me the most is having the treadmill right in the living room. I see ALL DAY LONG. It taunts me until I get on it and walk.
I also break the time down into 5 minute intervals. I get to 5 minutes then push myself to the next five. Get to 10 and push my self the next five to fifteen. I find it easier.
Also. I have an IPod that I download and change my music on to keep my walking routine fresh. And I have hand weights.
I also find that if I picture myself fit and in shape like I was in my 20's I work harder. I was HOT in my 20s. And if I ever see my first husband again I want him to regret being a butt;)
- I have also recently added pilates and some light weight lifting.

I want to start measuring my upper arms, thighs and middle and tracking that way as well.

My weakness is drinking water. I have a hard time keeping hydrated and drinking water or a low cal bev all day.
What I am really looking for is exercise that doesnt seem like exercise. I sure aint buying a machine, and crunches and sit ups and such bore me to tears. Was hoping someone would have a good idea for doing stuff (while cleaning the house, or outdoors) that would be good exercise.
Dance Dance Revolution!! It's a dance game for the PlayStation 2. I lost 25 pounds in college while playing it. (Warning: It's highly addictive... and you have to practice to get good at it so there's motivation right there to play every day).

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