Anyone want to get into shape this summer?

Where did your friend go in Missouri? That is where I was born and raised. Springfield area.....I love what you said about the 120lbs.
Count me in.
I decided that I would take over the cooking, so that I could eat what I want and have someone to cook for. So we're eating more vegetables and fruits, and it's fun.

For exercise, I did re-join the gym. But I am also trimming palm trees, getting my garden spot ready, cleaning up my property. I've been dancing some. Also, I stretch a lot. I have a bad back and have to be careful, as long as I go easy I can do all things. I have begn using my time in the car as opportunities to stretch, like my hands - very sore from milking.

Tending animals is good exercise.

To those of you who have physical problems, like me, and need to be cautious, remember that its ok if you only reach up over your head 3 times, rather than 12, when 3 is comfortable and you're ready you can do 4. Or if walking around the outside of your house is all you can comfortably do, grab a chicken, and take her for a walk around the house and sing her a song, thank her for her eggs, and one day you'l be able to go around twice. I've also found that water exercise is a huge help, and very easy on the body. So I've been doing some of that too. (Oh, and if all I can do is raise my knees 3 times to my chest, I'm happy. In time I'll be able to do more).
I started in January, I've lost about 25-30lbs so far, and I'm going to push on throughout the summer, COUNT ME IN. There's not way I CAN'T lose weight this summer, what with having to put up fencing for 4 paddocks on my parents new farm, ahahaha.
Well, looks like this thread is for me, too. Been overweight/heavy since I was about 8 years old I guess. All kinds of excuses and stresses kept me from doing anything constructive about it...until I ended up going to the ER 3 months ago with heart palpitations. When I followed up with my regular doctor 6 weeks ago we had a long talk about my overall health, weight, eating habits, etc... She gave me some very constructive ideas that I started putting into effect the next day. I'm a nurse and I work swing shift. One of my biggest problems was the times that I was having my meals. My husband and I had gotten into the bad habit of having dinner together when I got home about 11:15pm. Just too late and it was usually something high fat and high carb. So now I eat at work and have dinner at 6pm. Usually a small chef salad that I can buy at work and I only put on 1/3 of the dressing. Most nights I do allow myself a 100 calorie snack of some sort when I get home. Doctor and I also discussed that I probably don't need 3 meals a day. I sleep in mornings so I've been having a good brunch when I get up. Usually a 2 egg omelet filled with spinach, tomatoes, a little avocado, and maybe just a sprinkle of low-fat cheese. I also have 1 slice of toast and a glass of low-fat milk (can't handle the non-fat stuff). In the afternoon I have a piece or two of fruit. Then my dinner salad. Most days I feel I get plenty to eat. I've been trying to add in extra steps when I can...parking further from the stores, walking to the mailbox, taking the dogs for more walks. Doctor wanted me to start with losing 10 pounds in 2 months. Well, I see her again next week and I'm glad to say that as of tonight I've lost 9.2 pounds. I'm not calling what I'm doing 'dieting'. Just changing some old habits and adopting some new ones. Gradually I'll get where I want to be. Love this thread. Very encouraging to hear about others' successes and tips!
Congratulations, Moon Beam Queen! Whatever works! And I agree that its mostly about breaking old habits. Personally, I would never lose weight on only two meals a day. I try to have four small ones and lots of snacks, but snacks only count if they have protein in them. I feel that doing this kick starts my metabolism. We are all different and lose weight in different ways. We just all have to find our way. Keep up the good work. On the down side, I am starting to get the migraine I always get the first week of any diet I go on.
Walked 3.25 miles today in just over an hour. Pain free! It was great! I was sweating a lot. BUT. I had my bottle of water and drank that during my walk. Also. I went and bought myself a "non-animal treat for the success I have had. And they fit like a DREAM!
When I loose another pant/dress size I am going out. Getting my hair done. Getting a really sweet dress and heels and going to Tiffany's My mom told me she would buy me a new wardrobe when I meet my goal. Should be easy since i normally dress in jeans and T's

Tomorrow I am going to try for 3.50 miles.
Wicked super job everyone, excellent beginings.
I do have health problems and somedays you can't get out of your own tracks, other days you can run a marathon. Like sweetshoplady said, one day do 2 instead of pushing for 12. Absolutely, just remind me of that when I have an off day, mkay?
I may not have gotten out and walked (drizzly here) but we did shop and walked through Lowes and round and round. It was cool, those stores are quite interesting.
Take care til tomorrow!
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