Anyone want to get into shape this summer?

Although RR may not agree,
I do get a lot of exercise. I run around helping with the chickens, and I've been running after my brothers friends.

Get this: Sunday, after attending a graduation party for my friend, the nine of us headed down to my place (About a ten minute walk) .Once there, we walked back to the power lines behind the house, which is a VERY SHORT walk. Then, after a five minute "fight" between two of our friends,we headed in, played halo 2 for about an hour, then we walked back up to Mr.graduates house.(He'd knock me over for calling him that
) After that, I went to my friends house to go swimming.
I tell you, I was tired after I got home..
Spook, the first time I went to the gym, I was able to do 3 crunches. That's it. After about 6 weeks, I could do 20.

Yes, I can appreciate the good days and the bad days. Walking is walking. If you walk around Lowes, that's a pretty big place and usually the things you want are in each of the far corners and when you ask where somthing is its on the opposite side of the store. Wal-Mart is pretty big too.

Quite a few years ago, there was an article in a women's mag that talked about how much calories are burned from day to day stuff, like making beds, sweeping the floor, pushing a stroller, etc. Its amazing to me how even a small amount of actual exercise (consistently) makes doing all that stuff so much easier (physically).

So nice to read about all the successes that people have had in this area. Hat's off to all of you!
I agree, any walk is better then no walking. For me I have come to realize that if you have health problems like I do, then walking for 20 mins in the morning, and again in the evening, it will boost your metabolism. I have PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrom) part of the Syndrome X issues. Needless to say, with all of your help and ideas, I must say THANK YOU! I appreciate all of you! Tomorrow I'm in hopes to get a handle for our "tank brush" (its the brush for washing out bulk milk tanks) so I can wash windows and the eves. Yuckie webs and stuff!(that should be challenging!)
Take great care of yourselves!

Can I join too? My hubby and I want to try for kid #2, but I'd like to get in shape first. I've been having a terrible time getting motivated though.
MMMMMMMMMM,,,mix up sliced bananna-fresh sliced strawberry-and can peaches(in own juice or pear juice) use the juice. so sweet and refreshing. I didn't want as much of my dinner after that either.
Hey I'm in, I had a heart attack back in 2000 and lost 60 lbs, now I weigh more than I ever have, I have syndrome x and am always hungry and have been slowly gaining, well after school let out, our grandaughter came to visit for a few weeks and she told me just because I am always hungry does not mean I need to eat all the time I will be hungry anyway. I have tried to take her advice and have started eating less, it is really amazing how little I can eat and still gain weight, I am also a diabetic (from syndrome x) but I just found out that no matter how long I do not eat, my blood sugar does not drop it only goes up when I eat, so to decrease the chance of diabetic complications I will be using my blood sugar to tell me how much and when to eat and see if that helps, when I talked to my doctor a couple days ago she told me that I am now a candidate for gastric bypass, scary scary scary.
VICTORY!!!! Day 5.... no meat, no sugar. I lost 7 pounds!!! I was so scared to step on the scales this morning but now I am running around grinning. This is the first time in YEARS the scales have moved the other way. The veggie burgers are growing on me and I LOVE my morning smoothies. Vanilla yogurt, peanut butter, bananas, frozen berries and blend. Yummy!! I am not even finding myself hungry and definitely feel much, much better. No mind numbing sugar highs and lows.

Still finding it hard to exercise though because of my calcium problems.... does anyone else have parathyroid issues????

DARNNNNNNN.... typed all this and realized I am still logged in as Jess, but this Suz..... aka jeaucamom
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