Anyone want to get into shape this summer?

I HATE exercising. I may start running with my dog but then again I might not.
I'm fine with eating right, It'll take some work to get me to exercise though. I'll try.
If i eat breakfast, i will get so sick and my stomach will hurt and ill get dizzy and the rest of the day will be ruined. I am just now getting around to eating and am sitting here w/ a piece of pizza. LOL!
If i eat breakfast, i will get so sick and my stomach will hurt and ill get dizzy and the rest of the day will be ruined. I am just now getting around to eating and am sitting here w/ a piece of pizza. LOL!

I'm like that too. I usually don't eat until 1:00 pm because my stomach can't stand food before that time. I don't get dizzy but I do have a weak stomach and it can't handle food to early and I'll just feel sick all the rest of the day.
Alright...I'm in too. I just came across this thread tonight...while eating a piece of my daughter's bday cake. UGH! Trying to lose weight can be so frustrating....especially when you're a mom of young children (ages 7,4, & 1) and you feel as if you have NO TIME for yourself. I tend to put myself on the back burner, when, if I would concentrate more on my health, I'm sure I would be a better mom, have more energy, etc.

I'm tired of being so wishy-washy with my weight. Either I want to lose it or I don't, you know. I say I do...but I'm not doing anything about it. Tomorrow I'm going to get up early and hop on the treadmill. I just recently bought an mp3 player and it really helps me to listen to music while I'm working out.

So, there it whole sob story. lol I currently weigh 185 and hope to eventually make it to 145. My mini-goal with be 5 lbs.

Good luck everyone!


Also...I have a myspace page if you're interested where you can blog and such about your weight loss too.
I have been so out of shape for so long I have no idea what shape I should be!!
MuuMuu's would do the trick for me. Maybe I didn't spell that correctly? More like a sheet? I hate to exercise but love to walk but out here in the country I don't want to have to outrun a snake.
Sometimes it helps to just do what you can with what you've got. For example, if you don't want to walk about speed cleaning your house or walking/running up and down your steps. March in place while talking on the phone, etc. All those little bursts of exercise add up over a day!
It is tough for me to get to the gym - I work full time and have 2 small kids, plus my DH doesn't get home most nights until 9pm.

He does try to get home 2 nights a week by 8:30 so after I tuck the kids in, I can get to the gym for an hour before they close.

Well, tonight was my night to get to the gym. Around 7:00, my 4 year old starts screaming that her stomach hurts. Screaming, sobbing, for 15 minutes straight.

So, off to the doctor we go. Of course our local office is closed being so late, so we drive 35 minutes to the main office. Listening to screaming the whole way, with my 2 year old in tow.

I was never so happy to hear the word "constipated" in my life. I know I was probably too quick to rush her to the doctor's, but she is on drugs that suppress her immune system, so better safe than sorry is always the right approach with her.

Anyway, my point is, I didn't get to the gym tonight. I just got everyone tucked in less than an hour ago, and my stress level is sky high.

I just want to eat. It makes me feel better. It makes the stress go away. I have had to rush this kid to the doctor's twice in the last 3 weeks and my response to that kind of stress is food.

I have to find a way to deal with the stress. (other than food) and I have to find a way to get more exercise in. Life just seems to want me to be fat.
Crazy Chicken, bless your heart, you MOMs are so active beyond words, I tended to my bro's kids for years and man oh man, you are tired at the end of the day without doing extras.
One thing I learned is that if you can't find time to take care of you, then load them in the stroller and teach them to walk with you. The best thing to teach kids is that they can "Help" mom! Some of the best times I recall are walking down to a stream singing and on the mission of fishing. I never fished, but stayed within view playing in the water, exploring to find a pretty rock for my mom.
Often its just the simplest things that are wonderful! Also, keep in mind that in this heat, take a lot of safety precautions with yourself, especially your young ones and elders!

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