Anyone want to get into shape this summer?

Been out of the loop the last few days. Just checking in.

Spook, I've been reading your messages, well,,,,that is just the sweetest thing. You are right, we shouldn't down ourselves. Thanks for all of you kind words.

I hope you all have had a great week so far. Maybe I can start back working out in a few days. Right now I don't think my body will let me walk farther than the chicken coop. Thanks for all the well wishes.

Critter hill, I totally understand about the food. It's taken me 2 years to reprogram my way of thinking. Small steps are the key. It'll take time, but you WILL find a way. I promise.
Just joining in here.

I work out in my home gym 5-6 days per week (lifting weights). I get enough cardio mowing my 3-acre lawn. Fun the first two times each summer, a drag the rest of the summer.

BAsically I'm trying to get back to amateur bodybuilder shape, which I was in before a serious illness last summer. I want to be lean, but heavily-muscled, but not so muscular thatit takes all my time and people think that's all I do. ; - )

Edited to add: I changed my eating habits as well; 5-to-6 smaller meals throughout the day (when I can fit them in).
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I am trying and maybe life just found me a way, you know when you have a little stress in your life and you eat and eat to make yourself feel better. Then something really bad happens and you just give up and don't feel like you can do anything at all and the thought of food makes you nauseous? Well, I'm there.

The nearly 5 year old with the stomach issues has taken a turn for the worse, the docs now think it is lyme, mono, or a raging bacterial infection. And oh yeah, she has rheumatoid arthritis so she is on meds that suppress her immune system. And oh yeah, illness is a common cause of arthritic flares - she has been in remission for over a year up to this point. And oh yeah, it may take 5 days to get the test results back and the docs refuse to start treatment for anything until they have a positive test result.

So my diet plan is now to live in overwhelming fear and not be able to eat for at least 5 days until we know what is going on.

Sorry for the vent and thread hijack. I will go back to sobbing quietly in a corner now.

In good news, I'll probably lose some weight this week.
I work out at home, with my own weights, and to a variety of fitness videos. It saves the expense of a gym membership, not to mention time and gas spent driving to and from!

I highly recommend working out at home. For stay-at-home parents, it would be tough to carve out time to do it when little ones and chores are pulling for your attention, but remember, if Momma ain't healthy, ain't nobody gonna be healthy.
Same here, Buff. My wife works out at a gym, but over the years I have accumulated everything I need at home. I get a great workout, and I don't have to put up with guys working out who think they're professional bodybuilders and should be the only ones to use a particular piece of equipment. The egos.
Critter Hill, I'm sorry for all your worry. Hope your child gets better fast (before you waste away to nothing!).
I really wish I could find a way to psyche myself into this. I have tried yoga at home and calisthenics, but my problem is that I need a more aggressive, goal oriented workout or I just get bored.

The gym I go to is a rock climbing gym. It is a crazy amount of fun! Works every muscle - even the weird ones you feel for days afterwards.

Before kids, I did kung fu and sabre fencing as ways to work out.

Lifting weights, yoga, jumping rope, I just can't get into it. Maybe I need to get a dance, dance revolution game or something...

Thanks all for the kind words. We'll be ok, I am just overwhelmed right now. Still trying to process everything that happened today.

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