Anyone want to get into shape this summer?

I think I am going to relieve some stress, and get some exercise in this afternoon by pulling up some of this HORRIBLE Johnson grass in my yard..

The walking, bending, and pulling in this heat should help me get up a good sweat.. and I will invision each nasty stalk of grass as a tiny sliver of the trouble I am having with some other matters, and I will feel better afterwards, I'm sure.

Do chickens eat Johnson grass? I can't find anything to get rid of the stuff!!
WillsMamma, I don't know anything about Johnson Grass, but pulling it up sounds wicked backbreaking. I hope you don't regret it tomorrow.

One way to help your back muscles avoid injury is to try to keep your abdominal muscles active as you bend over. Tighten up your stomach gut as your bend and your back muscles will thank you for it. Also, squat instead of doing the garden bloomer-lady bendover from the waist.

Hope to hear from you happily tomorrow. (Is Johnson grass a southern type?)
I think so, Buff.. It's tall, and grows wicked fast, and has these little black seedy things on the ends of the stalks that stick to EVERYTHING. I usually walk around to a patch of it, squat and pull up as much as my fist will hold, then stand back up. It is killer on the knees though. Maybe I'll just do a small section tonight.
Ah yes, killer squats sometimes kill the knees. Here's what I do when I'm forced to do them (by sadistic fitness video weirdos) - lean in such a way that all your weight is on your heels instead of the ball of your feet or your toes. That way you'll be taxing the glute muscles instead of hyper flexing and killing your knees. Maybe do just a half hour of Johnson Grass Torture at a time!
As far as exercise goes, we have 2400 pounds of concrete to pour to cement the run fencing into the ground this weekend.

I did do my crunches last night and I am going to go for a walk tonight. My eating has been pretty good today!

Update on my daughter, some of the tests came back, it is not mono and not a bacterial infection. Still don't know if it is Lyme, that one hasn't come back yet.

I am very happy it isn't mono. The bad news is that her sed rate and c-reactive protein were elevated, generally that is tied to how active her arthritis is so that isn't good news especially since she has been in remission for over a year. I'm wondering if that could also just be elevated because she is sick, but I really don't know how to interpret it until I chat with her Rheumatologist in the morning. Sigh.
Finally went back to work today. I got on the scale and had lost another 3 lbs, but I think it was due to being sick. Who cares though,,,,,It's gone, now the trick is to keep it off. Even though I DID NOT feel like it, I did some work outside after work. It's so hot that you will sweat laying down under a shade tree. Whew!!!!!

How has every one else been doing? Any successes? It's actually ok if you haven't. Tomorrow is a brand new day
I have been having some lifestyle change successes - minor ones, but it is a start. I'm not going to get on the scale for at least a week or two...

Posting stuff, like "I think I'll go for a walk today" is actually helping to keep me honest because I know I'll have to stop showing up in this thread if I have to keep coming back and saying that I was a slacker!
Ugh, have been having issues lately trying to get time to exercise, with the coursework load I'm doing... and it's only one course! I have two whole units and an exam to finish before the end of August. Plus, I'm moving, and the time just hasn't been there... did my 24 crunches last night, going to do it again tonight but like I said.. haven't had the time to run, or walk, nor the want since the weather is insane, and boiling outside.

Good news though! Went to the auction today, and mum bought me a dressage saddle, so once we get a new horse I can be doing some hecka riding
Plus, in about 3 weeks I have 200 fence posts to sink.

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