Anyone want to get into shape this summer?

OH GIRLS, I got on the scale today. I've lost a total of 10 lbs. Such a relief to know all the hard work is paying off. All of your encouragment and successes is REALLY helping. I owe all of you a huge THANK YOU!!!!

Buff Hooligan and critter hill, I totally understand about wanting to eat when I'm upset or angry. BOY, do I understand. Sometimes it just happens. Just remember that tomorrow is another day. You are both still posting here aren't you? That says a lot!!!

Anne, GREAT JOB on the 2 lbs!!
Nupine, end of summer,,,,,no problem. Stick with us!!!

ok now it's 10:40 at night. dh out of town working, new chick had pasty butt. I almost went to the fridge. Too much on my mind and can't sleep. I decided to come here instead of fridge. Really wish I had cake right now.

Thanks for the outlet. Going to try to go to bed now.
I went to the doctors today to get my blood pressure checked, and my weight checked. I have an abnormaly slow metabolism, so I'm actually on medication to help me lose weight. Anyway, I'm down 24lbs since January. I haven't been as active lately, and my food intake has been terrible, lots of fastfood since we can't have any food in the fridge because we're moving in 8 days. Thank god though, I have more things to do at the farm than actually humanly possible. Hopefully, I'll lose the weight I need over the summer while doing all the necessary chores, and fixups on the house!
I know, but -- I can't wait until I rack up a 10-lb loss! I'm jealous!

I did great with eating during the day yesterday, then managed to do a 3-mile jog/walk after work -- then I really messed up after dinner. I ran out of the hard candies that I use to curb my junk food cravings, and, well.... *sigh*

Today is another day.

I will try to:

-remember to take my vitamin
-drink more water
-get some form of exercise
-stay away from junk food!!!
I walked again this morning with a litter pick-up bag. I tried several yards worth of slow jogging, just to get the old heart rate up. I HATE running - I always feel like I weight 300 lbs when I run, my feet hit the ground so hard. But a little bout of jogging til the next lightpole, that I can do. It worked, my heart rate did go up and I felt like I accomplished something.

One dietary bugaboo I've learned is that having a tiny bit of sugar ALWAYS triggers more cravings for sugar within an hour or so. Then you're stuck with mental torture of wanting more sugar.

So if you can avoid things obviously sugary, you'll not be tortured by later cravings so much.

Good job you guys who are becoming stronger and more capable every day!
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Well, the last two days have been kind of lukewarm for me diet wise. I have been having cravings in the mornings.. I think it's the stress I am dealing with right now.. but I have not resisted the junk food very well. Then, the rest of the day, I have no appetite, so I'm not eating much in the evenings. I just have to get through the next few days saying no to the morning sweets.. and I think I'll be fine.

Not sure about the weight loss, but my clothes are fitting better, so I know I'm doing much better off of the cokes. I have limited myself to 1 Diet Dr. Pepper a day, and I've been sticking to that, so I am proud of myself there.

Just got to keep on keeping on!!

Congrats on the weight loss guys!! Keep it up!

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