Anyone want to get into shape this summer?

the jiggles. I dont jiggle. I "wave" :|

I am going to try and get on the treadmill again later. I want to be able to stay on for an hour or so. But lately all I seem to be able to fit in is a half hour.
Ok I did it. 30 minutes on the gazel. 30 LONG minutes I might add, but I did it.
Of all the things I read on this forum I missed this one!
It would not have done me any good but to give you all encouragement because I am unable to lose any weight! I am permanently stuck on fat.
I have been drinking nothing but water for 1 1/2 years due to kidney stones, I don't eat chocolate much anymore because of the kidney stones either. I run up and down the hill to the barn many, many times a day plus do all this blasted housework that totally wears me out and I eat well balanced small meals. I have come to the conclusion that I have a very lazy thyroid and I hate going to see a Dr. plus going through menopause.

But you go on and lose the weight for me because it sounds like ya'll are doing a wonderful job! I'm proud of you all!
I am eagerly awaiting my "Eat Right for your Type" book. I ordered it from Amazon, and as soon as it arrives, I will be on the blood type "diet" (I HATE THAT WORD) it's not a diet, as much as a change in lifestyle and eating. It focuses on body chemistry and how it affects the way your body digests certain types of foods.
I will keep ya'll updated on how it works!
see... you DID IT!!!!!!!

Nadine- kidney stones royally stink. I was down on the floor in the bathroom in pain once because of them. Unfortunetly I found out I was pregnant about a week before I was diagnosed with the stone! My urologist gave me a choice" "Have a stint put in and loose the baby or suffer with the stone and have a baby. " I suffered with the stone. It was worse than recovery from the c sect.

But still... I just cant drink water.
About to go do my two mile route. Maybe I'll double it. That way, I won't feel bad for the sweet tea, potatoes, and pixie stix I had earlier. Not all at once, might I add.

I need a treadmill. Gazelles are fun, too, though. Maybe, I could move my bed out of my room to make room for the treadmill. So instead of laying around s'darned much, I'd get some excercise. I have a jumprope though.

I'm much more motivated if I have someone there with me working out, though. And I don't feel quite AS stupid.
my gazel is in my bedroom. I close the door, turn on the tv, and go. No one sees me and I'm entertained. Still don't like it though. I'll get used to it.
I have this book for my Arthritis, its a very interesting book and does work, but its not easy getting in the amount of protein without eating meat (for me..A+ blood type). Plus that and I know 1st hand by blood work that when I eat red meat my inflammation levels do go up. It really is a neat theory and if you can do it, you will feel well.
Take care and good luck!
I have this book for my Arthritis, its a very interesting book and does work, but its not easy getting in the amount of protein without eating meat (for me..A+ blood type). Plus that and I know 1st hand by blood work that when I eat red meat my inflammation levels do go up. It really is a neat theory and if you can do it, you will feel well.
Take care and good luck!

Thanks Spook.. I just did my blood type test this morning, and I'm an O+, which I figured I was anyway based on the type description. I do really well on a high protein diet, and carbs and dairy do not sit well with me.. I get all bloaty and stuff. I am looking forward to making the change.
Have you tried Special K protein water? I buy the packets you mix in a bottle of water. It's delicious, and it really does fill you up. I hope I can still have it with my type.. we shall see!

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