Anyone want to get into shape this summer?

ooooooooo r&smom, I just looked at your fudge website. mouth is waaaaatering.

Your being "bad" is nothing to what I did. 3 days of being bad.
Just don't confuse making short-term unwise choices ("being bad") with being a bad person. Think positive about yourself, or you will begin to believe that you deserve to be out of shape and tired all the time.
Just don't confuse making short-term unwise choices ("being bad") with being a bad person. Think positive about yourself, or you will begin to believe that you deserve to be out of shape and tired all the time.

you are so sweet
Missouri Chick- thanks.. it is really good stuff

Saturday I have to go to my production kitchen and make as much butterscotch and hot fudge sauce topping as i can to sell at the NH ChickenStock.
Any that doesnt sell is being split between my mom and her husband and my barn owner, since she is awesome. That way it wont be in MY house;)
Two winters ago I actually lost 10lbs during fudge season. i was SO busy in the kitchen that I didnt stop and eat. I lived on the scrapings from the big pot i make the fudge in.

Anyway. I was pretty good today. Although I didnt get on the treadmill. I was up and down both sets of stairs a lot today. Between laundry and cleaning it was non stop. Only break I took was to watch Bachelorette in the morning and then All My Children in the afternoon(which I sped through most of today)
Oh and then to play with the chicks
Rhett&Sarahs', your being active continuously is tremendously good! What you are doing is keeping your heart pumping, your circulation active, joints active and muscles warm and stretched. That sounds like a healthy body right there!

The worst you can do is sit for half-hours or hours at a time. Your blood pools and you become stiff and worse-feeling the more you stay still. Trust me, I know. I sit at a desk all day. Whenever there's a chance to do an errand, climb the stairs, or haul files up from the building's basement, I jump at the chance.

I recently borrowed a friend's Power 90 DVD set. It was different from my own homemade weights workout, but still educational. I can always afford to learn something new! My calves are killing me after the cardio part yesterday.

My sister is sending me Jari Love's "Get Ripped and Chiseled" for my birthday (after I begged). I sure hope I don't rip and chisel something irreparably!

You guys keep me going. Thanks!
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"My sister is sending me Jari Love's "Get Ripped and Chiseled" for my birthday (after I begged). I sure hope I don't rip and chisel something irreparably!"

LOL! I just freecycled my The Firm step and videos. Funny I never found the time to use those, but the treadmill. I swear it taunts me!! So far I havent hurt myself using it. *knock on wood*

I worked in an office for years. I was actually hoping to go back to an office job when my daughter entered school this fall. But with the school day only being 5 and a half hours that just isnt going to happen. So I am looking for a job cleaning stalls instead. I clean my horses stall daily and he is a pig. So another 10/20 wont be a problem. I just need something that will help pay the bills.

Everyone keep up the great work. I did a half hour on the treadmill this morning. My new meds are kinda messing with me... so I only did the 30 minutes. with luck I will feel myself again soon.
Hey gang,
I normally don't post this time of morning. 4 am and wide awake for no reason at all. After being naughty over the weekend I'm feel like I've started over on the diet thing. It's been a slow start this week, but I'm getting there.

See, I really do need this thread to stay motivated.

My short term goal is five pounds at a time. that seems pretty easy to do for me. I can't wait to drop another 5 off!!! I wear scrubs all day at work and noticed a difference in the draw string pants. Whoo hoo!!!!! Having to sinch them up more.

Thanks to everyone for every thing.
I am two years out from gastric by-pass surgery and after loosing 96 lbs from it, getting off my HB meds and knocking out my type b diabeteis, i am pretty trained now about watching what i eat. I NEVER want to go back to the old me - too unhealthy.
i find that i get tempted more with sweets and those so-call "light" treats - need to stay away from those. i'm also on the road in my job and have to pack a lunch or else i'm stuck with whatever i find on the road (not roadkill tho!!)
when i gain a few lbs., i just walk the heck out of the dogs, use my hands with sewing or garden digging, and stay out of the store so i don't have to have my old coffee & donut fix.
Is there just a magic pill I can take that will make me toned up and drop the 10 -1 5 pounds I need to lose?! Something for unmotivated lazy people maybe?!!
smile.png are doing an awesome job hosting this thread!!! Great job girl!!!
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Ok, checking in. Good day yesterday diet and exercise wise. Mostly because i was so busy and flustered, I didn't have time to eat!

It also helped that my friends called and told me to meet them at the gym.

I did not, however, get enough sleep last night. So getting through the day exhausted is always when I start to backslide...

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