Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

I keep losing a pound and gaining a pound and it is driving me nuts. I'm not getting anywhere! I'm doing ok with my eating and I'm exercising every day. Even if I don't have much time I still squeeze some exercise in. I've been doing running and step aerobics and a good deal of yoga the last few days. I don't know if I'm retaining a lot of water because of salt intake or just building muscle but I'm having a hard time not feeling discouraged. I try not to use a lot of salt so I usually use sea salt. I made a tasty batch of veggie chilli the other day. I'm not big on chilli lately but this stuff is good. I just need to try and leave a few of the crackers out of my bowl I guess. I opted for chilli last night instead of the lasagna I made for hubby.
i would love to join, however it seems i have no self control... haha. i noticed i started gaining weight when i would drink soda.... I have had 2 kids, my youngest is 17 months, my oldest is 4. I am 5'2 and weigh appx 130 (id say), id like to get back down to 115, so i need to lose 15 pounds!
Please help me! LOL
A good healthy weight loss is 1 to 2 lbs a week. I lost 8.2 because I have alot to lose and the first few weeks I'll lose alot because alot of it is water weight. In a few weeks, I'll settle down to 1-3 lbs a week which is good for me at my weight.

Try inputting your foods into Fitday, and see what your carb count is.
And, look into the possibility that you may have a gluten intolerance.
I started at 167, and was down to 165... and today my DH left for a YEAR overseas, and I weighed myself (dressed, instead of in my t-shirt and underpants like usual) today and It said 168... so I am about to just chop off one of my legs and call it good... I may have eaten a bunch of popcorn last night, drank a coke (which I NEVER do), and today, I may or may not have ordered and hogged a small chocolate shake... so the number isn't a huge surprise. I just feel so sick about DH, and then I want to eat the house... better get this figured out, or there'll be a WHOLE LOT more wife when he comes home next year!
I'm the same way... no self control and I get on major soda kicks. The trouble with soda is that you start jonesin for the caffeine. Find a green or black tea that you enjoy straight up (or learn to enjoy it, you will after a few days) and drink that instead of soda. Do not add sugar to your tea, and don't drink diet soda. Diet soda has been linked to weight gain and it is horrible for your teeth. I'm a dental hygienist, so you have to listen to me. HORRIBLE for your teeth.

I have trouble resisting snacking when I feed my 2 year old, especially if he won't eat it. I hate wasting food. Plus, eating makes me feel like I'm doing something productive. I'm always shocked at how the handfuls of cheerios and random m&ms pack on the calories. When I'm being good about entering everything I eat onto, it makes me think twice about all those little nibbles. It makes me hold myself accountable for all the little things that add up. Sometimes I don't think about it until I've popped the food into my mouth... I've actually gone to the trash and spit it out.

Don't starve yourself or make your diet a punishment. If you do that you'll binge later. Allow yourself to have one piece of chocolate a day! Get those little individually wrapped ones, look forward to it, and savor it. Enjoy your chocolatey moment. It helps you stick to your diet.

This is getting really long, I'm sorry, I'm hyping myself up more than anything, I hope I'm being helpful and not annoying. But just one more little thing! It is almost impossible to do an uninterrupted hour workout with kids, but every little bit helps. Do situps while your youngest sits on your tummy, or lift him over your head and set him down over and over. He'll love it. Do jumping jacks with them. Run around like a maniac chasing them, half running in place so they can keep up. Google "stroller exercises" and look them up on youtube. Do those while the 4 year old rides a bike or joins in. I do lunges and squats while my 2 year old sits in the bath and laughs at me. It helps boost your metabolism, and burning a few calories here and there is better than burning none.
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I don't know what it is, but I'm upset today.

Yesterday I weighed myself just after eating breakfast without clothes. I weighed myself today and I gained 2 lbs. I know it's because I'm not reaching my calorie intake that I need to to get out of starvation mode. Last night I was so tired from working that I went to McD's and got a chicken sandwich. I ate it and it was GOOD. So I'm just guessing that's part of where it came from...eating and then sleeping.

Then today my bf tells me that his PARENTS want to know if I'm wanting to join the "pot". He described it as a "contest" between all of their family and I. Whoever loses the most weight wins $200. I'm sorry, but I just do not need the extra stress from them expecting me to lose weight. I was doing it for myself and now it seems as though I'm doing it for everyone but me. Just sits in my craw that my bf would have told his parents and brother that I am trying to lose weight...who needs to know that info except he and I?

Sorry...just a bad day.
Try inputting your foods into Fitday, and see what your carb count is.
And, look into the possibility that you may have a gluten intolerance.

I am taking medicine for insulin resistance. I was diagnosed with PCOS over a year ago and have been trying to lose weight. My efforts haven't been that consistent until recently but I am down about 10-15 lbs since the beginning of April.

I'll check the fitday website and see how I like it.
Losing a pound or two or gaining a pound or two is perfectly normal on a day to day basis. Don't beat yourselves up over it. I get incredibly frustrated when I lose 5 pounds one week, and gain 7 the next.

My story (I haven't read all 30 pages) is a bit different from most.

In July of 2008 I had a RNY gastric bypass. Prior to surgery, I lost 30 pounds using diet and exercise. Post surgery, I have lost another 170 pounds. I am down from 372 at my peak, to just over 170 now, and a size 28/30 to an 11/12. Yes, I feel amazing, yes, I am extremely proud of myself. I am wearing smaller clothes now than I did when I was in 6th grade.

Right now, I consume roughly 1000-1500 calories a day. How much of that is actually absorbed, I'm not sure. I have that advantage, as well as intolerances of high fat and high sugar foods, to help me.

I do, however, have about 20 pounds to go to reach my ideal weight/height, and I am finding myself slipping back into my old snacking habits. I need a kick in the tailfeathers to get back into the gym.

So I'm in.

What my dietician recommended is.. eat your protein first, then your veggies, then your carbs. Chew slowly and throughly.. It takes your body time to register that it's full. You should be putting in roughly a half hour to 45 minutes to eat a meal. I don't need people telling me how hard this is to do.. I know. Not only do I have two small children (4 and 2), I also work full time + mandatory overtime, am working on my bachelors degree part time, and running a household. I also eat 5-6 times a day, even just a hardboiled egg or a yogurt.

You have to retrain the way you think about food.
I made today my cheat day. Didnt go to the gym but did about an horus worth of intensive house cleaning. So am calling it good enough.

Typical sourdough toast for breakfast with PB. Wasnt hungry at lunch so snacked on some pretzels and hummus and for supper I passed on the fried chicken that I made for everyone else and I had a salad with grilled shrimp and I have a yummy lemon meringue yogurt waiting on me for snack time.

Back to the gym tommorrow...

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