Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

I felt good today. South Beaching does get easier if you stick to it a while. We kept busy most of the day. My husband left around lunchtime for work and the boys made a chicken tractor (made one yesterday also) and disassembled a deck on mom-n-laws porch, which was contributing to rotting her siding, so we have lots of treated 2X4s to make more tractors with.
I wasn't tempted to eat any starches today. I did fix some for the kids, but kept away from it myself. I could have drank more water though.
I worked on making little cages for my Indian gardens I have scattered about in one of my fenced in areas. Well the grass has been getting long and also the poison ivy, so I let the chickens in to clean up for me. They taught they were in Heaven. It was a productive day. We got through a respectible amount of Home Schooling and chores and I had a good long visit from Mom-n-law and 2 of my neices. In fact I have been more productive for several days. I am getting ready for a birthday party Sunday and I have been making Raggedy Ann dolls for my almost 7 year old......clothes included.
I can do a lot when I keep away from starches.
Well I know for certain I won't be wearing my brown blouse for the birthday party. Will have to think on how I will fix my hair too.
Just popping in to say that I've lost 22 lbs since Monday!

(Ok, so I had a 9lb 15oz baby boy on Monday...
Robins Brood
My births are always my biggest losses, too.
Congrats and enjoy that sweet new baby smell!

I'm hopping in here late and as a newbie, but I'm really forcing myself to work hard in my home stretch here, and would love to participate.
My last little girl was born last spring (a year ago), and I've lost 50lbs since then, and have a good 15 to go. The last 15-20 is always the most stubborn for me.
I'm doing Couch to 5K, and weight watchers (well, counting points that way, anyway). I'm focusing on good protein, lots of fruit/veg and fiber. And water, of course. The nice thing about breastfeeding is that I get 10 extra points a day, though I struggle to eat that many and end up falling short most days.
Fresh veggies coming in locally is making it easier, though...yummmm.

ETA: There's so much good info and inspiration in this thread!
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Ok I'm back in this race too. I had an issue with high blood pressure all week. Hypertension runs in my family and I am NOT going there! I am still 173. I think that's what I left off with a month or so ago
At least I haven't gained though. I HAVE TO GET lighter...I refuse to take meds! I'm mad at myself for being this weight anyway, so, what's working for everyone. I have had NO soda today, and come to think of meat either. I think the pork chop last night did me in on pork for a LOOOOOOOONG time
I felt horrible. So, I'm back with 20 pounds to lose......
I have FAR from not quit! I went to the dr 2 weeks ago to get my womanly check up... I also got blood work done. My blood pressure is good, and I don't have diabetes which makes me soooo happy to know for sure.

He wants me to lose that 20 lbs as a good first goal. If I can do that, I can try for another 20 later... so 1 goal at a time.

I've been terribly sick though as of recently... in fact, long story short, I've had an infection since October of 2009. The infection acts like a virus that comes and goes over and over again. In between break outs (periods of 4-5 days of being sick including soar throat, cough, congestion and some stomach issues) it goes dormant and just makes you feel tired until it comes back and hits you again. I've had the break out period of the illness 8 times wearing me out. Finally last week I got a double ear infection and sinus infection which made them realize I had this other infection that I was told was viral over and over again. So I'm on a regiment of 3 pills and cough syrup until next week trying to knock out all this infection and get me back to me!
I can't believe I haven't been myself, and I've been sick and weak and wanting to give up on life for 7 months! The stress didn't help either... but now I think I can finally concentrate on me, and my health!

So today, thanks to Wifezilla, I am using the Free Membership to do the Calorie Counter and Diet Journal. It is keeping track of what I eat, and how much I move... so I know what I burn. I also see my vitamin and mineral intake as well. Which shows I need to take more vitamins! LOL

I can track my walks I take and my gardening time and my yoga classes... it will actually calculate what i am burning in a day as well. I have my goal in there, with a suitable amount of time to achieve it. I really like this site.... other then the fact I hate the BMI chart they are using. They qualify me as obese with a 30.10 BMI.

My stats are

5' 5"
175 lbs

I really think I look and feel more tone then I was last summer, and last summer I was 165lbs!?

Oh well.... anyone else want to start tracking there? We can share our weekly stats they give up, and charts we get as well?

im going to get back ont he wagon

i want to be 135

i am 5'4" and 148

starting tomorrow as i have to finish off the rest of these cookies tonight
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How are you doing on your losses?

I wanted to chime in something that will help you shed pounds...fat pounds.

1. Take a good multi-vitamin daily
2. Drink at least 1 gallon or water or green tea daily (no sugar, use splenda if you must have something in your tea) - this helps flush fat
3. Eat 5 - 7 smaller meals per day ( approximately every 3 hours ) - this speeds up your metabolism
4. Eat your high carb foods in the morning and taper them off towards the end of the day - Eat green and eat some more greens
5. Try to get in a brisk 20 minute walk in the evenings if you cannot get into major exercise

If you can....Lift weights. As you build muscle, muscle burns fat and is denser, therefore smaller than fat

Good luck and I know you can do it! But do not starve yourself...that is not the healthy way to go and you will feel worse, trust me on that. Lose it in a healthy way, make your body burn the fat for you and enjoy it!

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