Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

I've only gained about 20 pounds since you guys started this thread
I'm down 4.6 since officially restarting WW 3 wks ago. It's been tough since I've been a weight watcher more then once; and getting back on program and into the swing of things again was challenging. I've been going to meetings and getting the support since it seems to keep me the most on track, I just wish the scale would move quicker.
ok I have been reading.....not all 80 pages but will eventually read all....I am so ready to do this!! I would love to have some online byc'ers to help me. I am rather isolated from friends and town due to hubby having to use my car to go back and forth to work daily (my old kia versus his gas guzzling dually work truck).
I had an accident in February when we had the big freeze and snow which is rare in east Texas, was wearing hubby's mud boots about four sizes too big , doing farm chores and went to feed the chickens. Rather muddy back there when it rains so I had put some barrel lids down which had iced over the top of them then had about 6 inches of fresh snow on top of that. I stepped out and my ankle folded over and crunched.....long story really short my ankle broke in three places, had a total dislocation, and I broke the small bone in my leg. Had to have orthopedic surgery to repair and I am just now toddling around a bit without the ortho boot but still have to wear it outside or if I go somewhere. My ankle is almost fused and I am in pain constantly not real severe but the dull pain never goes away.
Soooooo I bet I have put on about 25 lbs since the accident . I have always been a big gal but now the weight I have gained with the injury is straining my knees. Stinks to be 37 and have this many issues.

So I am ready to excersize as I can and try to lose some weight. I can't run probably never will again. I have to do things in spurts cause I get worn down real quick. Always been extremely active for a big gal not sedentary at all......Pretty strong for a woman and I tote feed bags like a man lol.

Here is my info:
I am 5'6"
last weight at orthopedic checkup was 232 which after four kids and many years my "norm" weight has always been around 200 lbs.
My need to get to weight is around 195
my dream weight would be 165-170
and my ideal weight for my height ....yes don't laugh .......135-140 uhhhhh right!

ok family is 4 kiddos 12, 9, 8, and 4....hubby age 35 6' 4" and 320 lbs yep he is my downfall the big honking meat and taters eater he is

I am a snacker and don't take good care usually don't eat till late in the then I am extremely hungry.
I'm so glad your joining us. Sorry to hear about your accident, I feel your pain, I've had both my ankles fused for about 8yrs now. Mine were not accident related, but rather from a disability I have, it does take some getting use to when you have them fused since they never move the same again, rather movement is little to none. Just take it slow and steady is all I can say, don't over do it cause you'll pay the price. There is nothing like aching feet when all you want to do is go.

I have recently (just last week) incorporated exercise in my weight loss program. I walked two miles, which is something I haven't done in years, and boy did my feet hurt. But I was so proud of myself and I'd like to do two miles 4 day's a week(God willing)It was hard, but I think it will get better with time. I used my walking stick to help with some area's of the walk for balance, but eventually I'd like to kick that ole stick to the curb.

Hope your all doing well.
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omg my excersize has been walking in the yard, watering, feeding the critters spaced out serveral times per day, collecting eggs, working on my household chores, organizing little by little, checking the mail lol, i don't think i could possibly get 1/2 a mile much less a mile especially at one time !!!!!!!! Congrats ladies that is good work! It isn't the stamina or is the pain....maybe I will look online for some sitting excersizes or something I can do without using that ankle too much that will get my heart rate up hmmmmm hollering at the kids usually gets it up lol just kidding......I
I am an apple shape I guess so really at risk for the heart stuff.. my weight is pretty much evenly distributed other than the belly having four kids took it's toll big time!!!!
I think I will try daily to find a new way to stretch and excersize to keep busy......if I am busy I am not eating from boredom too!!!!
I started Nutrisystem today, for the upteenth far so good. I measured food, scale weight and inches around, the only thing missing is the photo in the bikini. So glad to see a thread about losing weight! Glad to join you all!

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