Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

I just look at the percentages on packaging. It is supposed to be 2400 mg per day or less. I am shooting for 1800 mg/day(75%) to keep my pressure down right now. Used to I was taking in probably more like 3000 mg/day
because I love salt on everything. I feel WAY better and have more energy with the lower salt it seems
I also now retain less water, don't feel as bloated, and am losing weight. I think I will try to keep it between 2000-2200 even after my BP is completely stable. I am amazed at how much better I feel!!!! I know my body needs salt, so I won't cut it any further, but man, I feel great!!! I'd recommend giving it a shot for anybody who often feels draggy, not just for weigh loss.

OH AND I hit 168 on the scale yesterday!!!!!
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I fell off the wagon today. I needed comfort food. Found it in the form of 6 orange danish rolls (the little ones not the big ones!!!) and a Ranch BLT meal (LARGE sized) with a Dr. Pepper. Gah.

Epic fail.

I tried to do some Pilates because I was feeling really bad about myself. Now I feel worse. I had to take a break after 10 minutes.
I just look at the percentages on packaging. It is supposed to be 2400 mg per day or less. I am shooting for 1800 mg/day(75%) to keep my pressure down right now. Used to I was taking in probably more like 3000 mg/day
because I love salt on everything. I feel WAY better and have more energy with the lower salt it seems
I also now retain less water, don't feel as bloated, and am losing weight. I think I will try to keep it between 2000-2200 even after my BP is completely stable. I am amazed at how much better I feel!!!! I know my body needs salt, so I won't cut it any further, but man, I feel great!!! I'd recommend giving it a shot for anybody who often feels draggy, not just for weigh loss.

OH AND I hit 168 on the scale yesterday!!!!!

Yeah..Good for you..that's wonderful

Thanks for the salt info..I'm going to try to track that and see what my intake is..I've never really thought about what I'm taking in, so I'll soon find out.
Made another aqua aerobics class and I am watching Biggest Loser. But along with that, I ate 1 corndog and a regular fries from Wienerschnitzel but am still in my calorie limit. Gotta plan to EAT REGULARLY so I won't grab something between doing three or four things at a time. Anybody else having trouble finding enough time to EAT WELL while dieting?

I am pleased to report that as of today, I have lost a full TWENTY POUNDS. Go me! And I had Kraft mac-n-cheese and brownies and s'mores and custard type soft-serve ice cream over the weekend too
I was bad, but obviously portion control limited the damage!

Today was also the start of the YMCA's Lazy Man Triathalon and I worked it out that I have to walk 1 mile and bike 4 miles a day, then when the pool opens in 18 days (they've been refurbishing it all winter) I have to swim .13 miles per day in addition.

This is totally doable. I did the 1st 4 and 1 miles today and though my legs are sore right now, it's not a big sore, I'll be ok tomorrow.

I am giving myself off 2 days out of every 7. I know there are people who probably will finish the whole triathalon in 2 or 3 weeks, but I am not one of those people!

I hope to lose another 10 pounds by the end of this intense exercise period. The Triathalon goes until July 15th. We'll see what happens!

I was 167 this morning! Slowing down on the weight loss, but still losing some. I can live with a pound a week loss for a few more weeks to get to where I want to be. At 5'9 I should be in the 150-160 range so just a bit more to go. I can't believe I was 135 senior year...I found a pic, and ummm NO we don't want to go there anymore. I was so small I looked ill!! hope everyone else is doing good! Lazy man Triathlon actually sounds fun, but I'm on the Spring Cleaning Triathlon, so I may have to pass
Well I still haven't done my measurements.....things have been crazy around here. I think if I keep measuring I may get discouraged hmmmm idk we shall see. Major druggie problems with the neighbors. Here I am with a gimp leg and foot and afraid outside...crazy. Bought a home and almost 6 acres to live the country life, raise my kids out of city atmosphere, live in a small town, not be afraid to go outside and play and run and be free, not care if I am the fat lady in the halter top in 90 degree weather and cut off pj shorts watering my flowers. Hear tractors and wildlife instead of cars and highways. I wanted to give my kids something I never had in a simpler life since I grew up in the city and hated it. Now I have a drug dealer living next door and their friends next door to them. How nice is it to be awakened at 7 am on a sunday morning with a half naked woman pounding on my door screaming for help, doped out of her mind where she does not know where she is or what day it is? She told the sherrif's dept everything, she is his girlfriend, where when how all of it.....nothing they can do. The woman was brutalized and battered....nothing they can do and she just went back to the fool. How am I supposed to exercize outdoors and do my chores and get the activity I need much less allow my kids their freedom? Sorry just needed to release for a minute.....sad when you want to just LIVE and try to be healthy and happy and normal and a bunch of punk freaks prevent you from it......sorry yall I am just bummed.
It took me 2 weeks to lose another pound?!?!?! Oh well at least it's gone..
How is everyone else doing? 166 and have 6 or 11 more to go...shooting for 11 but would be happy with 6. 155 would be SO sweet though!

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