Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

I'm aiming for 115 pounds, and I'm at 126 right now. I just don't eat a lot...
So I hop on the scales this morning and......
163!!! Digital scales, so I weighed again to be sure and yep it was right!! I likes me some nice suprises
A girl at church noticed last night too...made me feel good too!
I've been dieting since 5/10 and I'm down 9pounds. I usually average 1-2pounds p/week. I also try to get in 10miles a week walking and this last week I started walking/jogging. I keep track everyday of what I eat and how many miles I've walked. The weekends are my downfall, but I keep with the program the rest of the days to make up for those days I do not eat as well!
I have lost a good amount of weight doing one simple thing. I stopped eating and drinking things with high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated oil. Its hard to find things in the grocery without them at first but I stated shopping at Earthfare an that helps. I lost 40lb in 3 mo
K well i posted on this thread a while ago.. and then baisically forogt... whoooooops!

But im trying again
i just Joined a Curves Gym
Yahoo! I finally have some major progress to report!

As of today, I have hit my first major weight loss goal and am now down to 235. I started losing weight in mid-Feb and was 257.

That's 22 pounds, folks! It's slow weight loss but it seems to be working for me. Lately (ie, in the last 3 weeks) I haven't been able to work out at all because I tore a muscle in my back -- due to the Lazyman Triathalon and all the biking it requires -- but now that my new gym has a pool and is open (and WOW, I was STUNNED, visited it today and HOLY COW it looks like one of those workout places you pay hundreds of dollars a month for . . . NOT a typical YMCA . . . ) I think I can start swimming, doing laps and so on.

Swimming is GOOD for my lower back!

I am so happy about losing 22 pounds


eta: 75 pounds to go!
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Congrats to everyone for their weight loss progress!

I went up a few pounds when I started eating meats and nuts after my bloodwork.I am finally back under 180 hovering between 178-179. Since the kids are home for summer I no longer workout inside,and my exercise is strictly yard work. I have been considering my kids 15 foot intex pool.A few laps a day.We will see. I stopped with the meat again though I would love some of the ribs I am planning to cook! Plan to do some more bloodwork in August or September.For now my weight goal is still 160 so I am getting close.
I am down to......................................................159!!!!!!!!!!! Still watching my salt intake. However I am back up to around 2000 mg daily and still losing, but it has slowed. At least I haven't hit a plateau yet. COMPLETELY OFF caffeine too, and it's working! I am getting more and more compliments of people noticing. It feels good, and I take it as encouragement to keep it up.
I hope to lose around 10 more. I haven't seen the 140's since right after high school, so THAT would be nice
Hope everyone else is still doing good!
Well, I gained a few pounds over summer vacation, but I want to lose 15-20 by Halloween, which would make me 115-110 pounds. Let's go!
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