Anyone watching/listening to the news?

This sort of makes me think of the book "Rocket Boys." The Russian launch of Sputnik spurred a passion for math and science in our schools, and parents and students got serious about education again. I wonder what the economic crisis will do to inspire teachers, parents, and students, since education allows a person to be extremely flexible and work a variety of good-paying jobs.

I wonder if the economic crisis will save the American family by bringing us all closer together and forcing us to depend on one another again, more than ever before in this generation.

One thing I hope is that we are done with our dependence on fossil fuels. I look forward to a future where we live in harmony with the earth, harvesting energy from water, sun, and wind, recycling, gardening, and (of course) raising chickens.
Bailing out the mortgage companies still wouldn't help all those who have lost their houses....If the gov Pays their debt shouldn't ours be paid too...It's kinda like buying your home twice...Make monthly payments to ur bankrupt bank (who lost ur retirement money) then pay the the gov weekly in ur pay check! We need an over haul!
This plan would be better than the original and they could do it for less than 700 billion - cut it in 1/2 Americans would still come out ahead and so would the economy

I'm glad they voted no too - I'm just a little nervous about how crazy people (and prices) are about to become.
The email I got was and idea to pay every person 18+ 425,000. dollars each You would pay taxes on it so the national debt would be repaid. People could buy back their homes and noone would be inforclosure so the banks would be solvent again. Healthcare would be taken care of as people would have the money to buy insurance for their families. Its a win win situation somebody should email the Pres and given them this plan.It helps out everyone.
i agree, they could cut that in half and it would still help. i am wondering how high food prices will go? i dont really have much to worry about other than feeding us, everything else is well taken care of. i am beginning to think of buying a deep freeze and 50 meaties... what is scary to me is that i live 2 hours from las vegas, nv... and the people who live there are already desperate!
Finally, they do something that makes sense. Sheesh.

Now if they would get off their overpaid behinds and do more needed good stuff.
My husband actually thanked me for growing an extra large garden and getting all the chooks we butchered. Now we just have to wait on my ladies to lay some eggs.
Now, we just need to kick some politician butt!! If they really cared about all us "little people" then they'd quit playing their little political games with each other. Who cares if you're Democrat or Republican? If you're an American you should care what happens to other Americans! IMO.
This kind of news is the very reason we killed out TV in 2002.

We decided to carry very little debt because we're convinced the economy will continue to go the way it's going now.
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