Anyone with me?

I have ringed teal, mandarin, and wood duck eggs in right now and I'm sure I'll be putting more in on Wednesday! Good luck to everybody!
I set 14 Ancona eggs and they're due the 28th. I made some changes to my incubator - this will be my second hatch ever, the eggs are gorgeous and arrived in flawless condition - so we'll see what happens
I have 2 LGs, so I am using one as a hatcher and one for incubation. So I set hatches like 7-10 days apart and just add new eggs to the one LG when I move some to the hatcher. I wish I could just get a 3rd. I can't afford to buy any eggs right now (I am dying for some Indian Runners) so I am just going to hatch my Pekins eggs, sell them for a couple bucks apeice, and at leat it'll pay for their feed.
I have 11 eggs in the hatcher now(my first batch), and 2 of them have pipped! Can't wait til they hatch so I can move the ones due next week and add fresh eggs to the other bator!

Good luck on all your hatches!!! I am hatching in egg cartons this time for the first time, so we'll see how that goes!
My other daughter want runner eggs, so I will be hatching those at some point to. LOL. Why did I buy a bator?????
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I candled mine tonight...And all have started developing..But it turns out the big one wasnt a double yolker- Just a very big single yolk egg.. Well its got a network of veins starting in it too... So thats sevens eggs to start off with..all going well so far for me.
You have veining already? I looked at a few of mine yesterday afternoon, and couldn't see anything. Sounds like you put yours in the day after me. I really hope that my flash light just isn't strong enough. I'm pretty sure these eggs had a rough trip, and I am worried about them.

Okay so
for you, because that is awsome, and I wish they had an worried nail biting smilie for me.
Mine are on day three now..So not alot to see yet.. I hope to see the heart beat tomorrow though. I ahve had a lot of practise and a great little torch thought too..Im sure yours will be fine ... Posting can be tough- But dont give up yet. Im sure you will soon be
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