Apocalypse- an RP

(( Btw, I love your avatar, despite the fact it's pink.

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Name: Avery
Age: 15
Apperance: Has a disease called giantisim, so he is 7 feet in height, he maybe tall, but is awfully skinny. Has a blonde pony tail, wears a Dove of Peace necklace, frekles, acne, and wears Rainbow flipflops.
Rank: Lead male
Nickname: Society
Picture: Don't have one :p
Power: Can transform into only one animal; A Society Finch, which is a small, brown, tan, and white bird. His eyes change with his mood. He can sometimes for tell the future by staring into flames; the flames for pictures in the fire.
Other: Doesn't like being called a hippie.
User: Transit
No, since it's just you and I, I'm just going to 'bump' this page to get more people. May I put it in my siggy?

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