Apple cider vinegar and garlic

I have been using a teaspoon of ACV in the brooder waterer because the babies are messy and even with daily water changes, the waterer gets gross.

I also put a little ACV in the ducklings waterer because their waterer gets gross within a minute of being cleaned.
GAH they are messy!

How much ASV to how much water for the chickies? I change there water before work, when i get home, and before bed and its nasty every time.
Well, I use ACV and I don't use it to keep my waterer clean. I clean my waterer just as often as I would without it.

I use it because I've read that the vitamins, minerals, and cultures in it are good for my chickens, that it boosts immunity and improves feather quality and egg-production among other things. And my chickens seem to like it. I mix 1 TBS per gallon.

I certainly can't prove that it does anything, but since its natural and tastes good, and it certainly can't be harmful, I choose to use it.
The reason I asked the question was that I heard that acv helps to keep internal worms away, being that wild birds drink their water and help themselves to the food every day. I want to do all that I can to prevent infestations of nasty things.
At what point do you stop putting in the enzyme powder? Or should there always be a little in there? I use a little ACV with the "mother" in my water. It seems to help keep flies out. I have heard that just plain ACV doesn't do much.

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