April 2010 Pullets- wanna wait with me?

Donnavee, you give me hope. When I lock the girls up tonight I will tell them that their egg-hood friends from MPC are laying and hope that they get the hint.

I will admit that we are more and more frequently reminding ours that they are "dual purpose" breeds. Perhaps it's time to start posting recipes in the coop ... to further instill what the other, non-egg laying, purpose is.
We have 16 pullets~13 hatched on/around 4/21/210 and a couple of them are now laying!!! They started last Thursday while I was on vacation and my husband was caring for them! I know 2 of them are laying!!! We have gotten 15 eggs so far!
I hate to be pushy so maybe I should tack some of these inspirational posts up in the coop before I resort to hanging pages ripped from "The Joy Of Cooking."

Home of 3 year old and laying BLRW, 8 MPC 4/24 hatches (4 EEs, 2 NH, 2 Welsummers), and 8 assorted late May MPC hatches
nelgkel wrote:

We have 16 pullets~13 hatched on/around 4/21/210 and a couple of them are now laying!!! They started last Thursday while I was on vacation and my husband was caring for them! I know 2 of them are laying!!! We have gotten 15 eggs so far!

I'm a bit jealous! I have 8 pullets that hatched 4/8/10 - 3 partridge rocks, 3 speckled sussex, and 2 GLWs. Nobody is showing any inclination toward laying eggs! And the 3 GCMs that I hatched here on May 8 - supposedly 2 pullets and 1 roo - are looking more and more like nobody will lay an egg ever (unless I have some very masculine pullets)!​
ditto to above lol!

I have one barred rock I am waiting on who was born around April 1st give or take a day (shipping lol) so that would make her... 23 weeks. Same with an EE pullet
I am excited nonetheless!
Now that I am relatively sure that my girls are girls, I am waiting on eggs. One has comb and waddles, one's comb is there but small, the other is crested and the best guess of the seller is 19 weeks old. I put pix on the What breed/Sex thread earlier this evening.

Amazingly enough, leaving a Chik-fil-A bag within sight of the coop seems to have done the trick with at least one of my little moochers, who were hatched around April 8. Last Friday, we found two eggs in one of the nest boxes and the next day, we found another one. I have proof:


This is Maple, the one chicken we've witnessed using the nest box for its intended purpose:


The eggs are pretty small, but I'm psyched. Now that's it's a reality, we've discovered that we're all kind of afraid to actually EAT these eggs - it's like now that we know the chickens personally, we're not sure we trust something that came out of their, umm, well, fanny (I'm trying to class this up!). I'm sure we'll get over it. Right??
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