April 2010 Pullets- wanna wait with me?

I'd like to join! My oldest, Cabo (Orp/del) - hatched 4/28 looks like the least likely to lay. But my other ones (2 Orp/del and 3 Orp/ee) were born in May and are starting to turn red.
Yay Chicks! :

Woodmort, I have no idea. But I will say that I totally believed that my BR would have been the first one to lay. She had the biggest reddish comb and was pretty much first to do everything. But, no. She was the last.

That's why there are no positives with chickens?
I want in too! So great NOT to be ALONE! March 24th and April 1st. I thought I was doing something wrong (my first time with chickens)!

Patience, patience, patience........................................
Ok, let's all be patient together! I asked God to give me more patience, and He keeps giving me situations where I must exercise patience... I guess I better be careful what I pray for! Hahaha!

I'm so glad I have all of you here to go through this together. It makes the waiting easier.
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Almost week 20 and still waiting, I think they have a "secrect" spot somewhere in the yard!! 5 Red Island Reds and all are freeloading.
I am getting frustrated!!
This weekend they will be stuck in their coop, so I will see if they are not laying or if they are just smarter than I am and found a good spot in the yard that I haven't found LOL.

But like my hubby said yesterday,: "A watched hen never lays"
We have an egg! I went out this morning and came home to these in the nestbox:

The 3 big ones are from my hens- 2 EE's and an Australorpe.

My newbys Hatched April 20th. Wonder which one did it?

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