April 2021 Hatch - A - Long

I have some eggs due on the 10th, and my friend who currently has my avatar says she has 2-3 of her eggs, and she is also going to give me a cuckoo maran egg, an OE and a blue andelusian egg, dad is a maran. I think she will bring me about 6 eggs. I am going to add some of my eggs hopefully because my rooster has been mounting.
Below is the cuckoo maran- hopefully mating with another maran will get me a darker orange.

below is an egg from the OE and one egg from the avatar's daughter, (what she lays)
Looks like I’m in for the April HAL. My hook-up is hand delivering 3 dozen eggs to make up for the bad batch last from the last hatch. Half will be RIR and half Black sex-link. I had to break out the old FI 4250. The NR360 is great but I didn’t want to run 2 incubators and the 4250 will hold 41 eggs. So, if I set tomorrow that should put me around April 18. Let’s see if I can hatch more than 7 chicks this time!

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