April 2022 hatch-a-long (non-Easter, and Easter welcome)

Day 3 white silky/NN

Day 2 below double yolk- spider web starting.
I wasn't going to candle, but my son in MT wanted to know how it was going. I have moved all fertile eggs to the incubator, with the turner, and fan. 23 + (1, I am watching.) I have unplugged the second incubator.
I set 20 eggs on the 15th- 6 FBCM from a local breeder and 14 from my own CL flock. Then slipped 2 more CL eggs in on the 16th since the CL hens with the 'prettiest' eggs laid a couple that day, lol.
Really hoping for good numbers this time, I'm pretty sure I can get these babies sold very quickly...though the CL cockerels will be a toss-up.
I looked at my hatching day, I was 1 day off. double yolk is on day 4 now, but only one yolk is developing. I am going to name it "Elvis" if it lives since Elvis had a twin but it didn't make it.

Below I had found my triple egg pic...
I am setting my eggs next week! can't wait! But have a few questions. Should I set them in the morning, afternoon around 2pm or evening? I normally get home from work around 2 and would LOVE to be able to see some hatch. I know they are all different but is there a better chance at seeing some hatch depending on when I set them?
The way it is supposed to go, -if you set in the morning they will hatch in the morning. But if you want them to hatch in the afternoon, then do that.

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