April 2022 hatch-a-long (non-Easter, and Easter welcome)

I candled again a couple nights ago...I think it was day 14ish...? Anyway, I got rid of the FBCM egg that showed clear from the first candling, and I had one Marans egg that had quit. So I am left with 4 FBCM eggs and 16 Cream Legbar eggs from my own flock.
The color on this pic is off a bit, I promise those eggs are blue and blue/green, lol.
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Long time no see! How are you?
If I have any that don't hatch I will open them, and post pics.
Sorry If I confused anyone, I was NOT asking if my egg was a double or not. And I have been hatching more than 20 years...so.
Day 6. Candled and didn't see anything. Could see the yolk some looked darker overall than others. One looked like I could see the tiniest dark spot that moved around when I moved the egg but didn't notice any veining. Not sure if it runs low since new thermometer has been around the 98 since I put it in. The govee has an average of 99 since this morning. Idk would that delay it that much that on day 6 I wouldn't see anything?
Day 6. Candled and didn't see anything. Could see the yolk some looked darker overall than others. One looked like I could see the tiniest dark spot that moved around when I moved the egg but didn't notice any veining. Not sure if it runs low since new thermometer has been around the 98 since I put it in. The govee has an average of 99 since this morning. Idk would that delay it that much that on day 6 I wouldn't see anything?
I'd try cnadling again on day 10 n see.
Ok I split the difference!
I didnt candle last night day 6,
But I did this morning day 7 rather than waiting til tonight!
Out of 16...
2 looked to be either unfertilr or too old
7 look perfect shaping up very well!
7 showed signs of veining but not as developed as the other 7...so will keep an eye on them and in the separate incubator.
I could tell the air cells of the worst ones did not look too badly at all. Of course those are in the 7 that aren't forming as well. But 1 in that group is a perfect one!
Time will tell!

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