April Fools 2014 - BYC Sponsored Study: Increase Chicken Broodiness By Up To 48% With Aluminum Foil

;) Actually, printed Easter Mylar sheets with a cute chick print are superior to aluminum foil by about 15%. Mylar does a better job of reflecting the hormones, is stronger so the hens don't tear it moving around in the nest box, and the pictures of the little chicks enhances the mood. This time of year it is easy to find.
I don't understand how aluminum reflects hormones. Hormones are not radiant, they're proteins. I need a better explanation of the mechanism before I can wrap my mind around it. That's not to say that I don't believe the data, I just don't quite understand the exact mechanism by which a secreted hormone is reflected by aluminum and why something insular like plastic wrap or plastic in general (maybe making a nestbox out of a cooler) doesn't have a greater effect than aluminum. I understand about wavelengths of light, but hormones aren't light, they don't adhere to the properties of a photon, how is this possible? Someone please explain and be as technical as possible, I have a background in molecular bio, so I can understand the physics and biochem aspects if they're explained to me, I just can't noodle them out myself. Sorry to be the skeptic, I guess I read too much Sagan.
Haven't yet tried the tin foil trick for broodiness but can tell you that hanging a KFC bucket near the coop gets those unproductive gals really busy really fast. Girls aren't as nearly as dumb as most folks think! They take hints very well!
i just use the rattle can aluminun spray paint! ive found that if you paint a heart shape its alot more productive than any other shape. the diamond shape was a close second though. but the key is it has to be rustoleum no other brand will do.
Okay here's the pics

The second pic was the best see how it reflects the light? makes it nice and warm and gets the hormones flowing. The only problem I had was the drake kept coming in to look at himself in the foil he thought was a great mirror.
Nifty, I was not aware the study was being released. Most know we have been working with the University of Arkansas for several years. Since we have Buff Orpingtons and Australorps, our flock was one they asked to join the research. We set aside a small flock of our heritage Buff Orpingtons and Australorps. I was skeptical. But after seeing the results, we are pleased. Aluminum foil placed above the nesting box increased broodiness in hens by up to 48%! We had one older Buff Orpington that went broody 5 times last year! As a participant of the research study, we were also invited to visit the University. Here are a few photos of the University of Arkansas and its poultry science research farm. I was told the other blind research was being conducted in cooperation with other research facilities and BYC. This project was both educational and fun to participate in. Here are some of the photos.



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