Announcement April Fools' 2019 - BYC Now Fully Self-Moderated

Ok folks, been stuck in a spreadsheet all day. When I last read this, it was three pages. Now it's 29. But thank you all for some of the best entertainment possible. I've been laughing uncontrollably throughout this journey. And my apologies... I've like every post I've read but I lurk before I like and I'm not going back 29 pages to start liking posts. Just know I liked them all. And I'm still laughing :lau:gig:lau:gig BTW, Anarchy isn't bad as long as you're the biggest and baddest in the group. Been there and got the T-shirt.
I'm not just gonna run wild, I'm gonna run with scissors.:old I'm also gonna eat cake for breakfast.... Um.... Does anybody have any cake?

Actually yes!!! And I did that exact same thing this morning!! :lau :oops:

My birthday was yesterday. Better hurry though, quite a lot is gone already :oops:

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