April Fools - BYC Hacked!!

I have to admit I am suffering today - because of all the fun yesterday - I barely got any housework done !! so now I have to do it all today

oh well back to life as normal -- thank you BYC staff for a really fun day, I got in alot of LOL's and still managed to get a few answers to chicken issuse or two.

you all are great staff and members !!

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Hello everyone,
Has anyone noticed yesterday everyone was a moderator, and today all the mods have been demoted to members?
April fool's is over but I'm still confused.Isn't the joke over or are we stuck in a time warp?

Yesterday's joke was so funny it had me checking out BYC all day ,my kids forgot I was home.

The staff here should be congratulated on a job well done. I was on all day looking to see what goofy stuff was going on, and it was a lot of fun. Great job guys and gals!
Thanks everyone! We had a great time too!
It was funny that all of a sudden you were watching what you said in case it became your title!

Today I have to get some housework done!

Thanks for all the fun! Til next year!
Okay, I admit it!! I was totally bought into the whole hacker thing for a little bit. Then I started reading the whole April fools day theory but I just couldn't believe they (Rob and mods) would actually do something so totally wild and crazy! I mean.... Who would hack their own site for pity's sake?????? Shows you how gullible and naive I am!! You guys deserve some kind of internet award or something!! You can be downright proud of your dastardly deed LOLOL!!
I loved the whole day! My kids and I sat around getting very little school or housework done because of this insane gag.

My gut really did hurt from laughing so much ... what a wonderful way to spend a day.

Thank you Nifty and Mods for a job well done!!

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