APRIL FOOLS HATCH, give or take a day.....who's in ??

18 little eggberts just went into lockdown. Good Luck everyone.

one of the green americanas hatched about 8:30 pm
still waiting on the other one

then there will be 3 left but i can wait til thursday at least (lockdown was last saturday)

but what i dont understand is that my babies are all black

well daddy is black and red

or will they change color later??

rhode island reds i thought were born red not black

and my americanas are a range or yellow, grey red or red and tan

just doesnt make since to me
Hi Mary, sounds like your "americanas" may be EEs (easter- eggers) a cross between, either an ameraucana and a heritage chicken, or an araucana and a heritage chicken or something in-between, welcome to the madness of the "ameraucana". and yup- there is no "i" in ameraucana
-lots of threads on it here if you are so inclined to go to the mountaintop and ask the wiseman. also, I think black is a dominant color in your case, break out your mendel squares.
been a nice ride with ya, good luck on those 3 left!
Well, I Got to play a rousing game of find the stinky egg in the incubator before it explodes! Found it and put 11 RIR, 1 Lav Orp, 1 Lav Silkie, 1 SQ Polish, 3 Buff Cochins, 2 White Cochins, and 2 Partridge Cochins into lockdown. Sadly None of the Sussex (which I wanted most next to the Lav Orp) and none of the Black cochins made it to lockdown

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