April Hatch Along

Aww - so great! The more I am part of the "hatching community" the more amazed I am by the resilience of little chicks - in and out of their shells!!

She finally got up this morning, so I could see that all 7 eggs are gone, and I saw 7 little fat, happy chicklets. So I helped hatch 4, she hatched 3 without my help. Apparently it was the frizzle that killed the first chick, so all 8 eggs actually hatched!

These are bantam cochins, I think we got 3 black, 2 blue, and 2 splash!

She finally got up this morning, so I could see that all 7 eggs are gone, and I saw 7 little fat, happy chicklets. So I helped hatch 4, she hatched 3 without my help. Apparently it was the frizzle that killed the first chick, so all 8 eggs actually hatched! These are bantam cochins, I think we got 3 black, 2 blue, and 2 splash!
Oh my goodness!! So completely adorable!! :love
Somebody needs to help me with my hatching marathon. Just ordered 24 of my first blue maran eggs online. And I am letting all of my hens lay on their own eggs. I already have 55 bourbons and 31 sulmtalers. I am going to die if I reach the 100 total mark. HELP!!!

I just read this post to my husband because I think he's afraid that's exactly where I'm headed!
I have a sneaking suspicion that this website is probably not the place to help you stop...
In fact, I know for sure there are folks who will say, "What? Only 100? That's a small flock!!"
Best of luck with your increasing brood - in truth, you will end up doing some subtraction as they grow and things will right themselves.
X2 This. All of it. Bunch of enablers around here I tell ya!

She finally got up this morning, so I could see that all 7 eggs are gone, and I saw 7 little fat, happy chicklets. So I helped hatch 4, she hatched 3 without my help. Apparently it was the frizzle that killed the first chick, so all 8 eggs actually hatched!

These are bantam cochins, I think we got 3 black, 2 blue, and 2 splash!

Oh my goodness!
So darling! Congrats on the new babies.
beautiful little chicks... not going to lie every time I see the "April hatch along" thread pop up I think about April the giraffe and that you're hatching with her lol
Day 18 here. I have a Hovabator styrofoam incubator. I have been running it with both vent plugs out to increase airflow and my egg humidities have been right on - 11.5% loss by day 18 (I weighed them). But now I am having trouble getting the humidity up to 60% for lockdown without replacing one of the vent plugs. Should I keep trying, or is it okay to have one of the vent plugs in at this point?

Also, I see on the Hatching 101 thread that it is recommended to drop the incubator temperature the last few days. What has your experience been with that?
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I don't drop my temps just keep them at 100. If wanted to drop them temp a degree you could. It wouldn't hurt anything.

When you put in water to raise humidity did you use warm water?

If it's still not where you want it add some sponges or paper towels to help wick moisture in the air.

Personally I would rather have a little less humidity and keep both vent plugs out. As the chicks hatch they need a good air exchange.

What type of incubator are you using?
Is your humidity from a calibrated gauge or from the readout on the incubator?
Moved 24 turkey eggs to lockdown. 8 quail eggs go in tomorrow.

Saw good movement in 11 for sure. The rest couldn't see much. So those are a guessing game.

Just have to see what happens.
Is there going to be a May hatch-a-long? Looks like now that the incubator is empty I'll be doing a batch of chicken eggs. Now that I have learned about my new incubator, and have done chicks before, maybe I won't be so nutso

I hope someone does a May thread! <<< hint hint @orrpeople

I am setting 3+ dozen lavender orpingtons this evening for one customer! She is going to take however many hatch!

I just read this post to my husband because I think he's afraid that's exactly where I'm headed!
X2 This. All of it. Bunch of enablers around here I tell ya!

Oh my goodness!
So darling! Congrats on the new babies.

I stopped counting at 97. (a long time ago... )

Day 18 here. I have a Hovabator styrofoam incubator. I have been running it with both vent plugs out to increase airflow and my egg humidities have been right on - 11.5% loss by day 18 (I weighed them). But now I am having trouble getting the humidity up to 60% for lockdown without replacing one of the vent plugs. Should I keep trying, or is it okay to have one of the vent plugs in at this point?

Also, I see on the Hatching 101 thread that it is recommended to drop the incubator temperature the last few days. What has your experience been with that?

Totally agree with feedman!

I don't drop my temps just keep them at 100. If wanted to drop them temp a degree you could. It wouldn't hurt anything.

When you put in water to raise humidity did you use warm water?

If it's still not where you want it add some sponges or paper towels to help wick moisture in the air.

Personally I would rather have a little less humidity and keep both vent plugs out. As the chicks hatch they need a good air exchange.

What type of incubator are you using?
Is your humidity from a calibrated gauge or from the readout on the incubator?

Moved 24 turkey eggs to lockdown. 8 quail eggs go in tomorrow.

Saw good movement in 11 for sure. The rest couldn't see much. So those are a guessing game.

Just have to see what happens.

Turkey and quail hatching together?? How will you ever tell them apart?

Oops, forgot to say BEST OF LUCK!
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