April Hatch Along

I have been so busy here on the farm its hard to keep up with threads. But we are do to hatch this Wednsday. Wow time flies. I just got the Hatch A Batch app on phone so I stop loosing time. Need to order new batch of eggs in for next hatch.
I don't drop my temps just keep them at 100. If wanted to drop them temp a degree you could. It wouldn't hurt anything.

When you put in water to raise humidity did you use warm water?

If it's still not where you want it add some sponges or paper towels to help wick moisture in the air.

Personally I would rather have a little less humidity and keep both vent plugs out. As the chicks hatch they need a good air exchange.

What type of incubator are you using?
Is your humidity from a calibrated gauge or from the readout on the incubator?

Water was room temperature. I will try the sponge trick, thank you.

My incubator is a Hovabator with forced air. It doesn't have a readout on it. I have a thermometer/hygrometer in there, and a probe thermometer to measure temperature. Both thermometers and the hygrometer have been checked for accuracy. The hygrometer isn't spot on, but it is within a couple % points, so it is close.
I have been so busy here on the farm its hard to keep up with threads. But we are do to hatch this Wednsday. Wow time flies. I just got the Hatch A Batch app on phone so I stop loosing time. Need to order new batch of eggs in for next hatch.

Good luck! :fl

Fyi I've heard that app starts off wrong, day 1 instead of waiting 24 hours first, so some people start it 24 hours after setting eggs. I'm not sure if it's still that way, but something to check.

Have got to free up some incubator room.

220 pheasant eggs just arrived via usps.

Hi, Aprils! Long time no check-in. Life's been nuts, but my second hatch of the month, 8 bantam Cochin eggs, is going well! They are scheduled to hatch on the 30th, but I keep reading that bantams often hatch out early. I will candle tonight and lockdown tomorrow, just in case. Air cells are saddled on all of them. Two eggs with detached cells were early quitters or yolkers. So...ugh, we'll see! Please survive, sweet babies! I want a fluffy Cochin butt in my life.
I have been so busy here on the farm its hard to keep up with threads. But we are do to hatch this Wednsday. Wow time flies. I just got the Hatch A Batch app on phone so I stop loosing time. Need to order new batch of eggs in for next hatch.

Good luck!

Fyi I've heard that app starts off wrong, day 1 instead of waiting 24 hours first, so some people start it 24 hours after setting eggs. I'm not sure if it's still that way, but something to check.
I used the app and really liked it. But yes, like WVduckchick says... it's a day off. It starts on day 1, not day 0 so you will be a day ahead. Next time I use it I will wait 24 hours to start the time in it.
I used the app and really liked it. But yes, like WVduckchick says... it's a day off. It starts on day 1, not day 0 so you will be a day ahead. Next time I use it I will wait 24 hours to start the time in it. 

On the app if you want to use it there is a change the date tab. You can set whenever you want.

If I don't change it when I set it up I'll forget it
On the app if you want to use it there is a change the date tab. You can set whenever you want.

If I don't change it when I set it up I'll forget it
I'm going to check this out. I never would have looked. I just noticed it was off, other people said... app is off. So I just accepted it. LOL
For me a day off is correct hatch. Never had a hatch at 21 days always at 19 here. But this time friend has incubator and her hatched same amount of days as mine. It will help with multi hatches when I stagger again. Heres praying for a good hatch. I have a dozen Black Copper Marans in as well as my new breed I an switching to the Blueand Black Ameraucanas. Plus a dozen mutts.
I have a sneaking suspicion that this website is probably not the place to help you stop...
In fact, I know for sure there are folks who will say, "What? Only 100? That's a small flock!!"
Best of luck with your increasing brood - in truth, you will end up doing some subtraction as they grow and things will right themselves.
I'm not to sure about that. The first year I did this I started with only 10 turkeys. The next I had 40 turkeys. Now I I have 50 eggs in the incubator (some of a new breed) my chicken and turkey hens laying on their own eggs just to add on to my current flock of 55 Turks and 31 Chickens. It is EXPONENTIAL growth (quoting back to math class).
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