APRIL hatch goodness happens here!!!


10 Years
Apr 4, 2009
St. Johns, MI
Set 8 Cochin eggs today, 4 blue, 4 partridge. I will be setting 15 more eggs tomorrow AM for a total of 23 eggs. The best part is that the hatch date is APRIL 1ST. I wonder what sort of "fools" I will be getting that day. Between the layer flock, the 20 new chicks in the brooder and more eggs hatching, I believe I am in for a good prank.

Are your chicks harching in April?? Lets have some fun, post here.
I just wanted to say, I like the title of your thread
Got Turkey Eggs and Duck eggs due to hatch on the 7th. I am waiting on more eggs (I think they should be here this week) and I have to go get a second incubator today so that the first set can hatch and not worry about the other hatch.
I got back from the farm auction yeasterday and went to check on the eggs. My brand new brinsea incubator was hanging almost upside down on the auto turner!!! Of coarse husband and I ran into the room to catch the bator and try to figure out what went wronge. The short link on the autoturner broke causing the whole bayor to swing to the side almost upside down. Luckily only one egg was damaged. We spend the next couple of hours running to different stores trying to find some way to fix it. Husband managed to make a piece out of metal. So now it is working fine. Hopefully it didn't do much damage to the other eggs and they hatch okay. I will be candling in a couple days to see.
If my eggs get here in the next two days, I'm planning in setting some Bantam Cochin eggs Wednesday (St. Patty's Day for good luck!) that should hatch April 7th!

I'll be using a Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco - it'll be my second time using this 'bator to hatch Bantam Cochins! Last hatch resulted in two roosters
(just my luck), so I'm hoping for some hens this time around!
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Candled some eggs today to see the damage created by my turner the other day, still a little early for me to tell but some did have veining. Hoping I get at least a 60% hatch rate since they are all shipped eggs.
I will have some hatch on the 3rd if their fertile I got 87 eggs from Auction from a poultry show. I also got 3 duck 1 goose and 2 turkeys so hatches on the 3rd and 10th.
That is alot of eggs.

I am on day 6 today and after candling I have about 11 out of 22 that I can see development in. A couple are possible. I will be happy with 11 if they all hatch, however, it is a far cry from all but one with local eggs. I am going to have to re think purchasing shipped eggs in the future, anything under 75% is bad to me (even though I know that shipped eggs are never a sure thing)
I have my old Hovabator filled with New Hampshire and Delaware eggs due on April 1 st!! Then I will have to decide what kind of eggs to hatch next. This old incubator is about 20 years old and still produces wonderful hatches.

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